AOpen AX6B - Upgrade from 350 PII to 933 PIII with Converter Card


May 8, 2001
I was considering picking up an AOpen FC-PGA CPU converter card and a PIII 933 CPU and installing it into my old AOpen AX6B Slot 1 BX motherboard. I already know that this configuration will be compatible with my board, but since my board is a BX chipset I will have to clock it at 100 MHz.

If I am correct a 7x multipler with a 133 MHz bus would be correct for a PIII 933 CPU, but since I would have a PIII 933 on a 100 MHz bus the 7x multiplier will give make my 933MHz CPU run at 700 MHz. (7x * 100MHz = 700MHz). I realize that I could overclock, but I don't want to go into that here.

Do you think I would notice a significant speed difference between the 700 MHz that this configuration would provide and the 350 MHz of my current CPU? I am running Win 2000 Pro with 192 MB PC-100 RAM and I would like to be able to do some video editing on this machine.

Please let me know what you think.



Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2000
Be very careful about investing that much into the setup unless you're sure its going to work as you hope. Why not just get a P3 700 or higher E cpu?

I have the AX6BC and am on my 7th cpu with it, a celeron 2 900@1200 and this mb is now 3 years old! Maybe consider a celeron 600 at 900 like I ran for a while. It'll be much cheaper too.

Speed advantage depends on what you use your computer for. Lots of ram helps first, then cpu speed.


May 8, 2001

<< I have the AX6BC and am on my 7th cpu with it, a celeron 2 900@1200 and this mb is now 3 years old! Maybe consider a celeron 600 at 900 like I ran for a while. It'll be much cheaper too. >>

Isn't the highest multiplier on the AX6B and the AX6BC 8x? If so, how did you clock a 900 Celeron to 1200? You would need have (150 MHz Bus * 8x Multiplier = 1200 MHz) What multiplier are you using?

Couldn't I buy an 800 MHz Celeron FC-PGA and set it up as (100 MHz Bus * 8x Multiplier = 800 MHz)?? I can get 800 and 900 MHz Celerons for $50. I can get an 800e MHz P-III for $120.


May 8, 2001
I answered my own question. The AOPen FC-PGA Convert Card only supports Celeron Socket370 CPU's up to 700 MHz. It also supports PIII FC-PGA 100MHz CPU's up to 850MHz on the AX6B. How is it possible to set this motherboard to 850MHz, considering that it only has an 8x multiplier. Wouldn't you need an 8.5x multiplier for this?


Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2000
If you haven't figured it out yet, the bios multiplier means nothing to the cpu. The internal multiplier of the cpu does the setting.

You can setup 3 or 8 in the bios and the cpu will still boot at its wired in bootup multiplier of 9 or 12 etc.

Only the amd cpus have the ability to reset the hardwired multiplier as its externally available on the cpu die.