Anyone with Crotch Rockets in here?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2000
Im plannning on purchasing a crotch rocket next season(in march) and i want to start looking around for bikes. What are some good ones? I want to lean towards like the Honda CBR 929RR or the 954RR. Anyone know some good forums that have them used for sale?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2000
ridin lots of dirtbikes
worked in a bike shop over the summer Here
ridin my friends 1999 Triumph 600 over the summer a couple of times

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I suggest this

Sporty enough, and you stand an even chance of survival. Going right to a liter bike diminishes your chance of survival to about the same as an F1 car in Boston rush hour traffic.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2000
that looks cool
not to say that you wouldnt know anything either because it looks like you own a hayabusa. Ive driven one of those at my work. Ive pretty much driven most models of bikes except for some of the harlys. I get a pretty good discount also because i still get hooked up at the bike shop. I want something around 1000cc's. i looked at like kawasaki 1000cc bikes but i want one that has dual exhaust so it looks cool also:) i mean even like the f4 looks cool

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Mrfrog840
that looks cool
not to say that you wouldnt know anything either because it looks like you own a hayabusa. Ive driven one of those at my work. Ive pretty much driven most models of bikes except for some of the harlys. I get a pretty good discount also because i still get hooked up at the bike shop. I want something around 1000cc's. i looked at like kawasaki 1000cc bikes but i want one that has dual exhaust so it looks cool also:) i mean even like the f4 looks cool

Can you put me in your will?

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
why is it when someone starts a thread about motorcycles.......the death/maimed posts are never far behind..........

Next come the gruesome images ;)

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Murpheeee
why is it when someone starts a thread about motorcycles.......the death/maimed posts are never far behind..........

Next come the gruesome images ;)

I'm just here for the cash.


No pictures.

Viper GTS


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
I've been riding motorcycles since I was 17 (and mopeds/dirtbikes since 14) and I have to say that starting out on a 1000 cc bike is just asking for trouble. Of course, I'm a cruiser type myself and I really don't care much for the squids I see riding 90% of the crotch rockets out there, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt. I wouldn't even suggest that you start out on a new bike, probably better off to buy a used bike around this time of year (much cheaper in the fall). If you do start out on a 1000 cc bike though, I'm afraid that I'll have to make the same request that ViperGTS did.



Jan 15, 2001
Don't have one but i'd like to get my motorcycle license someday....

I'm really shocked this thread hasn't gotten more of the electric amish responses yet!

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Murpheeee
why is it when someone starts a thread about motorcycles.......the death/maimed posts are never far behind.......... Next come the gruesome images ;)

Well... usually the pictures start when someone says something analogous to "Hey I want to fly an F-16. I am an ace on Jane's flight simulator"


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
Tee Hee

Zemmervolt said squid.

Yeah, I know that there are a lot of you guys on sport bikes are good riders, and I've seen all kinds of riders do stupid stuff, but I have to say that the stupidest maneuvers are almost (note: I said "almost") invariably pulled by people my age on crotch rockets. I have yet to have a guy on a cruiser come flying between my car and the semi in the next lane. Plus, the guys on cruisers usually have better travel stories. :)



Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Jellomancer
I don't think anyone noticed when you said you have riding experience....
Riding dirtbikes and a 600 cc bike "a couple of times" does not qualify as experience for handling a 1000cc sport bike. Saying that riding dirtbikes is experience for a 1000cc sport bike is like saying that if you've ridden a moped, you have the experience to ride a Harley.

I started on mopeds and dirtbikes, and moved to a 450cc standard (1982 Honda Nighthawk 450 to be exact), I'm now getting ready to move up to something around 750cc's as soon as I have the money. During the first year there were a couple of times when even the 450 threatened to get away from me. Even a little 450 can walk just about any car 0-50mph, and a 1000cc sport bike is a hell of a lot of machine for someone who doesn't have a lot of on-road riding experience with street bikes.


EDIT: Second paragraph.


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: silverpig
Start with one of these and then work your way up to one of these.


OH I like that Duc 629. How much is it?

And MrFrog, if you're looking at liter bikes with dual exhaust, may i suggest

this bad boy.

Trying to find that out now... but I'm looking in cdn dollars...

I'd love to have one of those for a few years until I can get my hands on a 998...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Dude the title is sooo misleading...being dynamite in bed is one thing but this is just way beyond! :D

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I dunno, if I were to buy a sport twin I think I would go for the RC51. Lots o aftermarket parts. Spend the difference between the two on the RC for trick parts, and it will kick the crap out of the duck. Ducks are nice looking, and I wont deny it


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
I dunno, if I were to buy a sport twin I think I would go for the RC51. Lots o aftermarket parts. Spend the difference between the two on the RC for trick parts, and it will kick the crap out of the duck. Ducks are nice looking, and I wont deny it

Yeah, but that's assuming he's rather do better at the track than with the ladies...

Even if the chick knows NOTHING about bikes, she still knows that the ducati is the nicer one :)
Oct 9, 1999
Mr. Frog I have talked to you before and stuff.. and I have told you this before.. the 1000 cc bikes are far too powerful for someone who is an occasional rider. My point is that all sports bikes (crotch rockets) above teh 600 cc class are equal except by weight and acceleration from 0-60. The top speeds are around 150+ anycase. I doubt you would hit that. If your learning to ride (even so as you claim dirt bike experience that doesnt count very much). Street riding can be different from dirt. While yes its experience its still not what counts. I do not want to see someone die because he or she did not want to listen to other riders. Anyway I know your in Oregon or Washnington. In California you need to have an MSF cert before you can ride if your under 21. I am not sure about Oregon and Washington states. So first look into that. Next look into insurance. Motorcycle riding is supposed to be cheap. If your paying over 2K for insurance on it, then that's not the bike for you. I pay less than 600/yr for 300K liablity. Try beat that (next year it drops to 300 for 300K). Anyway I have to give you a bit of caution.. getting a smaller bike wont hurt, it just would keep you alive longer. Just to say, I ride a GS500, and this morning on the way into work, I felt like the bike was a whole new bike. I mean after the oil change the damn thing screams enough to scare the sh*t out of me and this is a 500cc bike. I love my 500 and I will keep it for ages to come, but if you feel your man enough then go ahead buy the biggest and fastest bike available.. cause dont come back to us crying cause we are going to say "we told you so". TGG