Anyone with a Sony VAIO PCG-GR270P Notebook??


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2002
Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with changing/removing the keyboard in this monster. I have done this in other GR model VAIO's rather easily-only required removing 2 screws on the left of the notebook and lifting off the panel above the keyboard that has the speakers and power button on it. When this panel is out of the way, the keyboard lifts up with no problem. The GR270P seems to be a tad different. It also has this exact panel situation, however instead of having two screws on the side it has a "memory stick" slot and no screws. I assume that this panel still has to rise out of the way to get to the keyboard but I have been unsuccessful in finding a way to release the panel. This may seem elementary, but it is a customer's notebook and I am trying to avoid taking it completely apart from the bottom, plus I know (from working on other GR models) that replacing the keyboard does not require a complete disassemble. I have tried to call Sony, but you can guess how much of a help they have been. Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.