anyone with a Moto Q


Jan 6, 2002
I was sick of paying for the data plan so I x'ed it. I don't use the web at all, no email, as far as it accessing data, it's just whatever the phone does on it's on. I do notice the arrows from time to time which are signifying data transferring.

does anyone have a Q and not use data really? I was wondering if you could do a #3282 and tell me what it says, mine is up to 601k as of yesterday for my cycle, which starts on the 22nd. Like I said I haven't accessed anything myself that uses data - unless it caculates text messages sent and recived, but I have unlimited there. With 601k in a week @ 1.5cents per k by the end of the month I might as well have a full data plan.

I would hate to have to pay $20 bucks for a 20 meg plan I know I won't use, and I'd hate to get charged close to $20 when I don't use data at all.
anyone have an opinion here.