I certainly remember the Iran crisis.
But things are somewhat different this time around. Clearly the enemy is (and has been) among us. How are we to weed them out? It's definitely something that has to be done, certainly one of the highest priorities.
Not that I would condone anything similar to what was done to the Japanese Americans in WWII, but would it be going too far to say that any Middle Easterner who is here and has not naturalized, is not in the process of doing so, or can not provide good reason (and there are a plenty of valid reasons no doubt) for being here, should be deported, or at the very least highly scrutinized as to whether they provide any security risk? Obviously this would be an overwhelming task for our Security dept., but sad to say, it's obviously far too easy for these terrorists to come here and establish themselves. The potential for sleeper cells is one of the more daunting things about this task before us.