The difference is the motherboard. The message at the top of the page on the second link says to use the list from the specific product. The first link is the specific product list.
The question is there a difference between an AN35N-400 and an AN35N-Ultra. They do look a bit different in picks from NEwegg, but to be honest they both look like they have stuff right next to the mounting holes. What the heck are mfg's thinking when they do this.. "Hmm.. 1/2mm from the hole should be just fine for this resistor to be placed... " Duh. DFI does the same thing too.
Anyhow, the SLK comes with some hard rubber washers. I would try mounting the back plate and see if these washers are doing the job of keeping things away from those closely placed components before you mount the heatsink. If things are fine, then you should be good to go.
Good luck.