Originally posted by: Glitchny
from what i know its mostly a gimick or its some unique and odd thing that no money concious person would pay for
The hierarchy is roughly as follows from midscale to upscale:
Sharper Image < Brookstone < Hammacher Schlemmer
Basically they all have the same variety of the following goods:
1) Standard decorative and/or utility items (i.e. BBQ equipment, pens, etc) at inflated prices.
2) Gimmicky junk that has no place in anyone's home except to be piled, unused, at the bottom of a closet. This includes homeopathic ion-wave hairbrushes, holographic clocks, positronic alpha-wave brain conditioning devices.
3) Marginally useful items claimed to be "exclusive" or "rare" and thusly justified in commandeering a 1000% markup. These include Tempur-pedic mattresses (approx. 10x more expensive than OEM), massagers, etc. Also, Sharper Image sells Chinese Exercise Balls for ~$20 a pair when you can buy them in Chinatown for as little as $1 if you haggle.
Basically, all three stores are for the rich and for the gullible. Anything worth buying there could easily be found elsewhere for a fraction of the price if you bothered to look.