anyone see K19? (the harrison ford movie) ***SPOILER***


Jun 19, 2001
i saw it last nite. i got to say... i had high hopes for this movie, being that harrison ford and liam neilson (sp?) were in it. the movie was rather long... i thought there would be more action to keep me interested, but at some points, i just wanted the stinking movie to end. also... if i had to compare this with some other submarine movies i have seen... like u571, hunt for red october, & and gene hackman/denzel washington (i forgot the name)... k19 ranks right on the bottom :(

now that i got that rant off... i have a question for those who saw the movie and had the will to pay attention at the end of the movie. u know right after liam neilson decides not to take over as captian for harrison ford... when ford finally gives in and says he will ask the americans for help... and they finally get "saved" by another soviet sub... i thought the guy said that moscow has denied their request for the men of k19 to board the other sub, and that they will be towed back? then its like the next scene... everyone is boarding the other sub. what happened there?!? :confused:

Definitely wrong forum, spankyOO7.

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