anyone rocking a newer windows phone?


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2010
I'm curious too. Looks like there are a lot of integration options with the newer Windows phones and Windows 10.


Jun 16, 2000
I have an HTC One and a Lumia 930 and a Lumia 640 running various builds of Windows 10. What would you like to know?


Nov 18, 2005
I've always been tempted by Windows Phone, and more so now than ever before due to the improvements Windows 10 brings alongside Continuum. And now it sounds like the first major Windows 10 update ("Redstone" due Summer 2016) may very well bring cross-device usage up to Continuity levels.

But I'm so invested in Android at this point, starting over on a new app store is still worrisome, especially when -- even though the future is bright -- the current Windows Phone app market is very minimal.

As I do really like Windows 10, I'd love to have that unified feeling between devices. I like the future potential now that Windows Phone is truly under the same kernel and development family as the rest of Windows; the Universal Apps platform should help immensely, as it works between PC, Phone, and XBONE... that's very impressive, and with how many media developers are on board the Xbox train, that should bring a massive boost to the Windows Store.
Hopefully it's enough to encourage platform growth, which is what is really needed to then spark the real developer focus you need for platform strength.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
I'd say that windows phone has pretty much stayed the same while iOS and Android have undergone fast evolution. Windows phone looks the same as it did when iOS was still skeumorphic and Android was on like 3.0.

Nothing wrong with that. It's still faster than Android 5, but I think lots of people expect change. I personally would like it if iOS went back to skeumorphic design. The only issue is that the app situation hasn't improved, and long-standing complaints like lack of gapless audio haven't been addressed.

edit: I have tried windows 10 mobile. I dislike it. It changes the interface to something ugly, akin to Vista's glass look.
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Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
I'd say that windows phone has pretty much stayed the same while iOS and Android have undergone fast evolution. Windows phone looks the same as it did when iOS was still skeumorphic and Android was on like 3.0.

Nothing wrong with that. It's still faster than Android 5, but I think lots of people expect change. I personally would like it if iOS went back to skeumorphic design. The only issue is that the app situation hasn't improved, and long-standing complaints like lack of gapless audio haven't been addressed.

edit: I have tried windows 10 mobile. I dislike it. It changes the interface to something ugly, akin to Vista's glass look.

I agree with you on some aspects of that, but take a look at the Nokia lumia icon, as stated in this thread .

That Cellphone has been sold for 2 or 3 years already and it is still not gone old. They are only thinking of replacing it in sometime officially world wide in 2016 by the Nokia Lumia 950. Although it will still be sold even after that.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
I'd say that windows phone has pretty much stayed the same while iOS and Android have undergone fast evolution. Windows phone looks the same as it did when iOS was still skeumorphic and Android was on like 3.0.

Nothing wrong with that. It's still faster than Android 5, but I think lots of people expect change. I personally would like it if iOS went back to skeumorphic design. The only issue is that the app situation hasn't improved, and long-standing complaints like lack of gapless audio haven't been addressed.

edit: I have tried windows 10 mobile. I dislike it. It changes the interface to something ugly, akin to Vista's glass look.

The app situation has actually gotten worse.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2001
I just switched from a Lumia 925 to a 640. I did it to get a bigger screen for cheap. The 640 was $60 @ Walmart. I don't use a lot of apps so I really can't speak to that situation, it has what I use. I really can't compare to anything else, I had a Motorla droid before and have never used an iOS phone.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2008
I am currently rockoing a Lumia 640 as my second phone and it definitely rocks (for the money, anyway).


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
I am waiting for the new Lumia devices to be released with 10. I have grown tired of the beats music app on my iDevices. My house has been an iHouse since v.1 and is immersed in Apple TVs and Express devices to pump music everywhere so I'm a bit worried, but I can no longer stand the music app.


Nov 18, 2005

Developers are saving their resources and cutting the costs from supporting what will soon be an outdated and little-used version of Windows Phone.

With Windows 10 Mobile, it is a big reboot, and yes that's the fourth reboot in 4 major versions (6.x, 7, 8.x, 10), but this time developer focus will be worthwhile. I have faith that Windows 10 Mobile's app store will appear overflowing with apps compared to previous Windows Phone app stores, at least after a year or two. Why?

The article points out a big push: iOS and Android porting will be very easy for developers. So there may be an inundation with mediocre ported apps, but that is better than nothing for most users.
Add to this that instead of sharing some resources, now developers can create apps for all Windows 10 platforms with ease, only needing to offer specific scaling and additional features for other platforms if they desire any real success on multiple platforms.

Which, with the Universal Apps platform soon to be on the Xbox One, as well as on every Windows 10 desktop, laptop, and tablet, there's going to be a larger market for development than ever before.

Little was truly made of Windows 8's market, but, let's face it, it was too early, too segregated by device type, and desktop and laptop users still preferred desktop apps, leaving only a tiny slice of the market to actively search out store apps.

Now that Windows 10 makes the Universal Apps style more approachable due to an ability to scale windows and share screen space with other desktop applications, if the apps come, users will follow.

Just think of all the media apps, if they make them right. All the streaming services will have many users if they develop solid apps - why use the browser when you have high quality dedicated apps for video and music services.

And add in the fact that the media-heavy Xbox platform app development will now be done within the Universal Apps platform, those developers are going to be a major boon to the entire platform.

So, some apps are disappearing from the Windows Store at this time, but really, why bother supporting them any further? The people who search for your apps will be moving to Windows 10 Mobile, if not immediately, then eventually. Time to create apps for a new platform, this time one that [I feel comfortable in saying] is guaranteed to last.

The shared, multi-platform Windows 10 strategy is here to stay, and it is the only right course for Microsoft to chart at this time. It was always their goal, and they had hoped to achieve it with a Windows 8.x version, but I suspect it was a heck of a lot better to distance themselves from the Windows 8.x family to better present the unified Windows kernel and platform.


Golden Member
May 14, 2011
I use a cheapo BLU HD, my gf use a 830. We just come back from a vacation with a couple relative, none of us are power user or heavy app user. With that said, we're all using most of the same common apps and they keep starring at our phone and we have no interest at theirs(S5 and Iph 5). WP is way more elegant to use.

If you're power user(Android) or apps heavy(IOS/Android) or using lot of accessories(band, selfie stick, DSLR/camera control, smart home..etc) then you better stay with Android/IOS.

There are apps I wish available in WP but for everyday users they should have everything.


Golden Member
May 14, 2011
Windowsphone has the best OS/UI, but the worst app selection. It is the best mobile platform that no one uses. All IMHO of course.

The few sample shots I have been seeing on the Lumia 950 camera are very tempting.


Video (no idea if this is legit):

The stills looked very good, any word if the flash is powerful enough to use under the sun?

And they should have add a flash in front.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
I'm still waiting for my Lumia 920 to break down (which seem to will never happen, because NOKIA) before I get the 950.


Jul 17, 2003
I recently upgraded from a Lumia 521 to a 640. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but the OS is great and the app selection is lacking (to be kind). I've been using WP10 since the EARLY builds and it has gotten much better, to the point that I don't like using my wife's 635 (8.1) at all.
Mar 11, 2004
Will be very interesting to see how Win10 does. Supposedly you can straight sideload Android apps, so the app argument could be largely nullified.

The stills looked very good, any word if the flash is powerful enough to use under the sun?

And they should have add a flash in front.

They can do the options of having it flash the display for a flash on the front facing (and it'd actually be even better since the 950/XL have dedicated camera/shutter buttons). If that is an option or they add it I have no idea, but it is possible and Nokia has often added features over time.


Nov 11, 2004
Windows Phone has always been an interesting because it showed so much promise but just never took off.

What reason do developers have to make/port their apps to Windows Phone after Microsoft saying time after time with every major revision that it will be better/easier for them? You can't blame app developers for not wanting to. IMO I think it's too little too late but Microsoft has the money to pay for advertising and paying developers to make stuff for it but they've never poured tons of money into advertising Windows Phone like Apple or Samsung has with their phones, it just seems like they really never cared much about Windows Phone.