Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Thanks for the link.
Could you expand a little on the non-crystalline alloys?
I've read about them before and they always seem to be hyped as a super-material, but are hard to make, and can currently only be made in thin sections. Aside from production difficulties, what are the material "downsides" (if any?) to them as compared to crystalline alloys? in other words, I've read some marketing hype that touts how they are superior to normal alloys, but I'm assuming they can't outperform them in every category.
I have to admit that I'm not an expert on this by any stretch (and I know literally nothing about ceramics), but I can try. If you can come up with some specific questions, I'll fire out an e-mail to my old roommate who works on that team to see if he can shed any light for us as well.
Basically, traditional minimally-crystalline metals are formed by equilibrium (or 'infinitely slow') cooling. This is because crystal formation in metals is the result of more rapid cooling that freezes microstructures in place. This means that, to form a truly amorphous metal, you would have to heat the metal up VERY hot to where only one homogeneous liquid phase exists, then freeze it in the same form it has as a molten liquid. This probably involves casting into some mold that is cooled via convection with fast-flowing liquid nitrogen (or similar).
The crystals in crystalline metals represent one solid phase, while the rest would be considered 'solvent' atoms - the bulk phase - that surround these crystals. In these crystalline metals, failure generally occurs at the phase transition between crystals and the bulk phase. Thus, the phase transitions really control the mechanical properties of the solid, since these properties are flaw-driven. Thus, by removing such 'flaws' altogether, the material would become very strong.
Looking at the link you provided, it says that the metallic glasses must be cooled at 1000°C/second, which tells me that they can only produce thin plates at this time because of heat transfer limitations. A thin slab has very good heat transfer characteristics, since it has a very large surface area per volume. When you make the slab thicker, conduction within the slab becomes the limiting step in heat transfer.
I'm not sure what effect the crystalline structure has on the thermal conductivity of metals, but perhaps removing it decreases this property. I would actually anticipate the opposite, because heat is transferred in metals by the easy passing of electrons from one atom to the next, taking its kinetic energy (which is a result of the atom's internal energy, proportional to temperature) along to the next atom. Thus, the more ordered the structure and tighter the packing, the higher the thermal conductivity should be. Thus, perhaps even a very high thermal conductivity does not allow these rapid cooling rates when the thickness of the sample exceeds a certain amount. If I'm right and amorphous metals have a higher thermal conductivity, then there's not much that can be done about having only thin samples (except if very complex processes were developed). If I'm wrong and amorphous metals have lower thermal conductivity, it may be that doping with some other material may increase the thermal conductivity and allow thicker plates to be cast, though there would necessarily be some decrease in the material properties as a result.