Anyone remember Anachronox?


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2009
I bought the game when it was a new release. Installed it and played it a short period of time right before I had to move state to state. During the move my main pc was lost. Anyhow, I was cleaning out my closet and came across this gem. Just wondering if it will play in XP SP3 and to see if anyone on the forums played thru the whole game. As I recall from my short gameplay and from reviews, it was losely based on game mechanics of Chrono Trigger. Yes I know that's a console RPG but Anachronox is pc-based. Thats why I'm posting this here.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I have played it on XP with service pack 2.
I never passed the huge library, some sort of glitch or lost flag that wouldnt let me complete the quest there.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Loved Anachronox! :thumbsup:
I played it to completion upon release and it was a great rpg.

Im sure nowadays the graphics look very outdated since they did at release also.(Blocks for hands...LOL)
But the story and gameplay were excellent.

Not sure about XP SP3 since i played it when it came out, so i cannot comment on that.

But can say its a 5 star game in my book.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It plays under Vista, although the limited resolution support kind of sucks. I have the CD ripped to my HD with a patch the dev team did after they were all fired(thanks a ton Eidos/Romero for that debacle) and it runs quite nicely.

Overall the game is far closer to a typical console style RPG then PC fare, very story driven and rather linear. That said, it is the best example of such a game on the PC to date IMO. Really fantastic work, if it would have bene released on the consoles it probably would have sold in the millions and become a major franchise, but sadly they paid the price for the rest of Ion Storm screwing everything up.

Latest patches are here. They fix quite a few issues, and most of the work was done after the guys had all lost their jobs(damn shame it all ended like it did, great group of guys making a killer game and getting screwed over :( ).


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It should with all the patches. I recently purchased a copy off of ebay [sent from the UK] so I could have something to play on my work laptop [Windows XP] :)