Anyone playing the Sims Online?

Oct 19, 2000
Hey guys. I just signed up for a 14-day free trial of the Sims Online. I'm not much of a Sims gamer (really not at all), but since it's free, I wanted to check it out. Anywho, I was looking to see which "neighborhood" was the most populated.

Anyone know?


Jul 1, 2001
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Hey guys. I just signed up for a 14-day free trial of the Sims Online. I'm not much of a Sims gamer (really not at all), but since it's free, I wanted to check it out. Anywho, I was looking to see which "neighborhood" was the most populated.

Anyone know?

If you don't really like The Sims, you're probably not going to like The Sims Online. Hell, I loved The Sims, but even I think that TSO is kind of boring.

Anyway, I believe that Alphaville is the most popular city right now. Test Center is probably the most interesting, though, because that's where they test all the new game features.


Oct 24, 2000
No, I've never played the game. Your post prompted me to do a few searches on TSO and I quickly came up with this fan site. After reading through the front page, it seems TSO has a lot more sexual undertones than I thought. WTH is with "Evangeline: the Child cyber-Prostitute"? There seems to be a big problem with minors playing and TSO being a playground for pedos. I think I'll stay out of it.