Anyone know the best brand of Creatine?


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I am just wondering what the best brand of creatine is out there. I currently am trying to gain about 10lbs, mainly of muscle but I know some fat will come along with it. I am currently eating ANYTHING i really feel like, working out about 4-5 times a week, taking 3 protein shakes a day (with about 50g protein in each shake), and just eatin and eatin and eatin!

I currently weigh 170lbs and people recently told me I look like I have lost some weight. I think I have lost a little cause I have been in my 'cut up' cycle. So I want to get up to around 180 - 185 pounds.

As far as my strengths now, for my chest I can bench 205lbs 8 times pretty easily (my goal is to get to 225lbs 8 times). I can shoulder press 175lbs 8 times, on the smith machine. I don't really know how to express my strength in terms of back, tri's, and biceps though. But they are somewhat strong too heh.

But I would like to gain size and strength and I know that creatine can help that out. I want to run to GNC and get some, but I would like to steer clear of the GNC brand. I use their protein, and I think it has helped me, and I really like it because of the flavor and it mixes very easily stiring it with a spoon or knife. So what type of creatine do you recommend?
