M MrCodeDude Lifer Jun 23, 2001 13,674 1 76 Jul 3, 2003 #1 Do they? Too late to call, I already tried.
F fatbaby Banned May 7, 2001 6,427 1 0 Jul 3, 2003 #4 No they won't. No store in their right mind will pricematch newegg..EVAR! Except for amex.
H HiTek21 Diamond Member Jul 4, 2002 4,391 1 0 Jul 3, 2003 #5 No, They won't even price match to their own online store. It has to be same day service according to their CSR.
No, They won't even price match to their own online store. It has to be same day service according to their CSR.
I imported_Mike Lifer Dec 4, 2002 18,211 1 0 Jul 3, 2003 #6 frys has regional deals, they wont even PM other frys out of the "local" area, much less their own site, or anyone elses
frys has regional deals, they wont even PM other frys out of the "local" area, much less their own site, or anyone elses
W wicktron Platinum Member Aug 15, 2002 2,573 0 76 Jul 3, 2003 #7 Good luck PM'ing anything at Fry's. I've yet to do a successful PM there.
C chiwawa626 Lifer Aug 15, 2000 12,013 0 0 Jul 3, 2003 #8 When your slogan is "The lowest prices gauranteeed"....im assuming you should pricematch anything.
B bolido2000 Diamond Member Dec 3, 2001 3,720 1 0 Jul 3, 2003 #9 YES Fry's pricematches. I succesfully PM my car radio and got credited $100. I showed them the receipt from BB
YES Fry's pricematches. I succesfully PM my car radio and got credited $100. I showed them the receipt from BB