Anyone know alot about car A/C?


Feb 6, 2000
My mom has a 97 Suzuki Sidekick and she says the A/C only works after the car is warmed up good. Sounds like a odd problem but she says the air compressor doesn't kick in unless the car is warmed up.

I was wondering if the alternator isn't throwing out a charge like its suppose to can this effect the A/C? I have a alternator tester on my battery charger and when I turn the bright lights on or the A/C it kicks to check on the tester. But if I turn bright lights off and the A/C it shows charged.

According to the manual if it shows checked the alternator isn't throwing a good charge. If it shows charged then it's charging good. I was just curious if this could be what was causing the weird problem with the A/C?



Feb 6, 2000
I just read the manual to the tester and it says to just turn the headlights on. The Suzuki has day time running lights and with the headlights running normal the alternator tests fine. Maybe your not suppose to turn on bright lights and/or the A/C.

I do know while the car is running at night her lights will dimm often.


Golden Member
May 18, 2001
probaly a low freon charge and the heat from the engine after it ahs warmed up raises the pressure of the freon to allow it to engage.

Get the A/C charge checked.


Jul 8, 2000
I really don't understand what you are trying to say but the problem with the AC is not very likely the alternator. If the car has to warm up for the compressor to "kick in" I would suppose the AC system is low on refrigerant. Most new systems have a pressure switch that will not allow the system to energize the compressor if the static charge in the system is too low because it could damage the system. What I think might be happening is that when the car has been sitting the pressure is too low for this threshold but once it runs a while the underhood temperature rises it increases the pressure in the system just enough to turn on the compressor. I may be totally wrong but this is possible. You need to be checking the AC system itself and not other parts of the car. The first thing you should check if the AC system is acting abnormal is the refrigerant charge. Unfortunately you will probably have to take it to someone to get at the real answer.


Feb 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Ronstang
I really don't understand what you are trying to say but the problem with the AC is not very likely the alternator. If the car has to warm up for the compressor to "kick in" I would suppose the AC system is low on refrigerant. Most new systems have a pressure switch that will not allow the system to energize the compressor if the static charge in the system is too low because it could damage the system. What I think might be happening is that when the car has been sitting the pressure is too low for this threshold but once it runs a while the underhood temperature rises it increases the pressure in the system just enough to turn on the compressor. I may be totally wrong but this is possible. You need to be checking the AC system itself and not other parts of the car. The first thing you should check if the AC system is acting abnormal is the refrigerant charge. Unfortunately you will probably have to take it to someone to get at the real answer.

Originally posted by: VirginiaDonkey
probaly a low freon charge and the heat from the engine after it ahs warmed up raises the pressure of the freon to allow it to engage.

Get the A/C charge checked.

That could be the problem. I will tell her. I wasn't testing the alternator because of the A/C I was just curious if that could be part of the problem. I tested it because of her lights dimming often and I don't want her to end up on stuck somewhere because the alternator went bad. But I will have the charge checked out. Thx
Aug 26, 2004
Originally posted by: VirginiaDonkey
probaly a low freon charge and the heat from the engine after it ahs warmed up raises the pressure of the freon to allow it to engage.

Get the A/C charge checked.

i'll third this reccomendation...sounds like a good possibility to me