anyone here use astraweb?

Special K

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
I just bought 90 GB for $25 from astraweb. I went with them because they seem to be the only service that has a pay as you go plan with an unlimited time to use the gigs, which is exactly what I need.

My question is, for anyone else who uses this service, what kind of download speeds do you get? I saw about .5MB/sec earlier this morning, but ever since this evening its been in the 30-70 kB/sec range. What's going on? Are they really that short on bandwidth?

Before using them I was using giganews through comcast and would always get .5MB/s from them. The problem is Comcast caps you to 2GB of downloads per month.

Anyway, does anyone here use astraweb, and if so, what kinds of speeds do you get?

Feb 20, 2005
Used to use astraweb. I got max speed with them. I had a 5mbps line and was getting anywhere from 4.5-5 mbps down. Only problem is retention sux. Comcast has a 2gb limit, but there is an easy way around it to get unlimited. Gotta love the 55+ days retention of Comcast!!!!