Anyone here live/have lived in Ames, IA?


Senior member
Jan 17, 2001
Hopefully I'll get to visit before I make a decision, but I was wondering from people who have spent time in Ames, IA, what they thought of it. I was offered a job at the USDA to do research science, and I'm interested in the project, but I'm not so sure I want to spend the next 2-3 years of my life in Ames (FWIW, I'm 30 and single). So I thought I would see if anyone could share their experiences. Thanks!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
You can meet plenty of singles there and from what I've heard it's easy to hook up.

That is if you are sexually attracted to cows.


Platinum Member
May 25, 2003
My roommate is from Ames, he's a little offbeat. I'm sure it's just like any other midwest town, you're gonna have the hicks, and the normal people. I've been to Iowa a bunch of times, and I can say there's nothing to write home about. I would say if it pays well, things are cheaper there. There's not much to do outdoors wise besides hunt and fish no mountains, no ocean. But it's got a good central location to other places in the US for long weekends and stuff.


Senior member
Mar 29, 2001
Iowa State University is in Ames. Visited there several years back. Didn't seem too backwards or anything like that, weather is summer is typicall "hell like" Midwestern summers. Had all the normal stuff (theater, shops, etc.)

Can't speak to any club scene or a plethora of bars though.

Unless you're opposed to living in a small city in the middle of Iowa, go for the job if it interest you.

And it is 30 minutes from the capital, Des Moines. So regardless you won't be bored I think.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2003
Originally posted by: jarfykk
Iowa State University is in Ames. Visited there several years back. Didn't seem too backwards or anything like that, weather is summer is typicall "hell like" Midwestern summers. Had all the normal stuff (theater, shops, etc.)

Can't speak to any club scene or a plethora of bars though.

Unless you're opposed to living in a small city in the middle of Iowa, go for the job if it interest you.

And it is 30 minutes from the capital, Des Moines. So regardless you won't be bored I think.

Ditto...I'm doing a co-op in Oskaloosa, IA about 45 S of I80. One of the girls here is from the University in Ames. She likes it, so it can't be all that bad. Iowa is alright. Oksy is pretty small.


Senior member
Feb 17, 2003
It's pretty much a college town - students are about 1/2 the population (about 25k of 50k total). Iowa's a really inexpensive place to live, and if you wanted to get a taste of rural life this would be a good opportunity - if you don't want rural, I wouldn't go to Iowa.

You could live in Des Moines if Ames is too small - for commuting in Iowa # of miles = # of minutes - but it still wouldn't be like living in a city near the coast.


Senior member
Oct 4, 2002
spent five years in ames at ISU - it's a very nice campus, with lots of space (bad in winter) but there isn't much to do in town. des moines isn't much better, but it IS cheap and fairly laid back. traffic doesn't exist.

if you like big city life or having lots of varied things to do, you'll be bored in ames.

i don't really miss iowa much (in KC now) but it's like every other place in the midwest - flat and boring.

my $0.02


Senior member
Mar 21, 2002
I went to college at Iowa State University in Ames. It's a good town if you're young. Probably 25,000 college students and 25,000 to 35,000 permanent residents. Lots of good bars, not too much for dancing type clubs. Tons of hotties at the bars always, especially around the college, but they might be a bit young depending on your taste. Of course there's alway grad students too. Housing is pretty cheap, ~$700 for a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment. It gets cold in the winter if you are used to California weather. It's probably the cleanest town I've ever lived in, highly educated population, low crime, good schools, etc. It's about a 45 minute drive to Des Moines. The Des Moines metro area is around 500,000, but you can find almost everything you need in Ames. I liked it besides walking to class in the winter. Oh, I hope you're not a smoker. A couple years ago the town passed a no-smoking ordinance in restaurants, unless something like 70+% of sales are from alcohal. So pretty much all the bars that don't serve food are still smoking, but all restaurants are non-smoking. That's all I can think of for now.