1) Yes, it is true.
2) it looks like, well, "shimmering"... Basically, when your character is in motion over textured terrain, you will see the terrain shimmer in the distance in front of you. it looks kind of like a mirage. It only happens when you are in motion, so screenshots won't show you what it looks like, you have to have video.
3) I'm not sure what you mean by impact... Some textures shimmer in some applications, that sounds like enough of an impact to me.
4) Not the latest dirvers. Apparently NV is working on the issue though, so we'll see. One of the issues that makes this diffcult to fix is the fact that apparenlty some of the the default setings override the application specific settings in the driver (but, I'm not sure which ones). So, if you are trying to turn off driver optimizations it is tough to know whether the change you made in the driver was actually made but didn't have an affect, or if the change you made was simply overridden. by the default settings...
yes it's true but apparently not very noticeable. There's a thread on the subject somewhere in ATSF
It is actually fairly noticable in some apps, in others not. Someone on nvnews posted that enabling tr SSAA helps, and it actually does. Apparently, I don't understand enough, since I find it odd that enabling transparent super sampling anti-aliasing can help with the image quailty of the ansiostrophic filtering...