Anyone here attend UPenn?? (or formerly attend?)


Senior member
Nov 26, 2000
I was just wondering as to expericnces and tips and that sort of stuff. Its pretty much my dream school since im probably the only person in here who wants to be a business major instead of CS or EE or something to that effect. So, does anyone have anything to share?



Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
Eh, it's a pretty nice place. :p Wharton's nice and stuff, but it's good that they let you do basically anything academically. Campus life varies for different people; there's a pretty big greek/party scene and also lots of other things to do. First word of advice...don't goof off your first year. :) That Wharton curve can get kinda nasty in the later years, so beef up your GPA to prepare. Freshman year's pretty relaxing for Whartonites...hopefully you have your math and sciences out of the way. Otherwise it'll be a bit more busy for you but that's okay too. Out of thoughts for now, but post/pm/email if you have more questions.