Anyone have SyncMaster 950B or 955DF 19" Monitor ?


Senior member
Feb 10, 2002
Anyone have either of these monitors? Like to know what people who use them think. Let me know if you do please. Thanks


Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2001
I have the 955Df and I love it!
Got it through Dell for $220 (forget to submit the $40 rebate) and so far I have had no problems running at a 1152x864 resolution. This monitor is great for it's low cost, but if you want to spend more and get a higher resolution, then the 900nf would be a good choice.

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I can't say I recommend the 955df, but I can't say I don't recommend it either. I have it, and it's a nice monitor. However I have problems with it which I also have with several other monitors, so I can't say it's limited to this model. The major problem is a halo around any bright object (text, scrollbars, dialog boxes) if the surrounding color is very dark, mainly black. This shows up during boot messages since that's just white text on a black background, as well as on webpages with a black background, where the scrollbars and menu/toolbar and text have glowing halos in the black area. It's really damned annoying. However most other people seem to not notice it, and I see it on at least two other models. My previous 19 inch CTX had it, though not quite as badly I think, and the 17 inch Dell monitor I use at work has it, though again not as badly. I don't know, my eyes certainly aren't good, but I also can't stand low refresh, moire, or the support wires on aperture grille monitors, so maybe it's just another thing I'm sensitive to.

The other issue was "ghosting" from having things highlighted, like selecting text in Notepad, or selecting items in a dropdown list, I'd notice a ghost image off to the right of the highlighted area, if there was a light colored background in that area.

I actually returned the first 955df I got thinking it was defective, but the second was exactly the same (though the ghosting I sort of think wasn't so bad). Since then I've just gotten used to it, but I still notice it often and it annoys me. The haloing is significantly worse than on the CTX monitor, as I hadn't even noticed it before on that.

I think possibly it's due to the way the tube and front glass are designed. The 955df actually has a lower viewing angle than a standard monitor, because the actual phosphor screen is considerably farther away from the front glass than it is with a curved tube. If you get too far to the side it's almost like looking at an LCD screen. All I can think of is there's a slight reflection off the front glass that's causing both the halo and the ghosting, but adjusting brightness and contrast and all the other settings failed to eliminate it.


Apr 10, 2001
I too have the 955df, and lately I haven't been so hapy with it. Initailly I found it very good as the text and images are sharp in comparison to my old monitor. How they compare to other monitors like sonys I don't know. I run in 16x12 albeit at 60 Hz. This doesn't bother me, but it might bother you. I also notice the ghosting, but it doesn't bother me too much. My main dissatisfaction is that now, after about 1.5 years the monitor image is getting wavy and flickering at the left and right edges sometimes. I'm worried the tube might be going bad.


Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
I've got the 955DF and can say for the money it's a great monitor unless
of course you're a hardcore visual perfectionist who could find a fault with
any tube.


Dec 17, 1999

<< I have the 955Df and I love it!
Got it through Dell for $220 (forget to submit the $40 rebate) and so far I have had no problems running at a 1152x864 resolution. This monitor is great for it's low cost, but if you want to spend more and get a higher resolution, then the 900nf would be a good choice.

Ditto......... I love my 955DF :D
