Anyone have billing issue with their cell phone company


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2002
Sprint PCS overbilled me by $300, CS rep no help, they trying to prove me wrong, i had retention dept apply credits and my balance was negative and all of sudden became positive


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2002
they have stupid system, my phone was defective, they charged me for new one until i returned old one, and i was credit than all of sudden positive balance


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2002
sprint pcs store manager wasnt able to resolve what retention or executive customer service can do


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
I have fought off and on with Sprint PCS and the local telco for the past 2 years.
Finally dumped the telco & long distance.

Retention department (courtesy of AT forums) was finally able to satisfy my problems (I hope). Need to give them a couple of more months though


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
I think you have problems with every company.

Have I had problems with my cell phone provider (T-Mobile)? No.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: RossMAN
I think you have problems with every company.

Have I had problems with my cell phone provider (T-Mobile)? No.

In my immediate family, we have had Sprint, US Cellular, Cingular, and Verizon. EVERY one of them has caused trouble. They bill wrong consistently. My mom is convinced that they do this on purpose to rip off the consumers who are not alert.

I have found that sprint works with you well on things though. Every billing problem I have found, we have resolved and it has always worked out in my favor. Granted, these problems should not occur, none of my list have been without their fair share of problems (and I am not endorsing the others either, I just have no experience).


Jul 25, 2001
Verizon is a crock. My friend bought a new phone and the battery wouldnt work. It took them over 2 months to get a new battery and they wouldn't just "give him a new phone". They were real jerks.

Then my mom started noticing calls on her bill that she was sure she didnt make. She started leaving her phone off during the weekends. Sure enough when her bill came she had calls on the weekends while her phone was off. I'd never trust those bastards.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
My last job was as a programmer/analyst with a company that sold cell phone billing applications. I can tell you this from experience, it is very easy to screw up a bill run. And it happens often. We had a customer that would never run a test billing then call and complain when they had billing errors and say it was our fault despite the fact that they were the ones making changes to their billing configuration. Drove us up the wall.

All I can say is keep calling repeatedly until your billing issue is resolved. It will get fixed eventually but it will probably require some time and effort on both of your parts.


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2002
I've had to make plenty of calls to Cingular month after month to correct their billing.



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: ReelC00L
Originally posted by: RossMAN
I think you have problems with every company.

Have I had problems with my cell phone provider (T-Mobile)? No.

In my immediate family, we have had Sprint, US Cellular, Cingular, and Verizon. EVERY one of them has caused trouble. They bill wrong consistently. My mom is convinced that they do this on purpose to rip off the consumers who are not alert.

I have found that sprint works with you well on things though. Every billing problem I have found, we have resolved and it has always worked out in my favor. Granted, these problems should not occur, none of my list have been without their fair share of problems (and I am not endorsing the others either, I just have no experience).

I have had Sprint PCS billing problems and MCI billing problems but Wduaqnug has problems with every company he deals with.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Millennium
Originally posted by: ReelC00L
Originally posted by: RossMAN
I think you have problems with every company.

Have I had problems with my cell phone provider (T-Mobile)? No.

In my immediate family, we have had Sprint, US Cellular, Cingular, and Verizon. EVERY one of them has caused trouble. They bill wrong consistently. My mom is convinced that they do this on purpose to rip off the consumers who are not alert.

I have found that sprint works with you well on things though. Every billing problem I have found, we have resolved and it has always worked out in my favor. Granted, these problems should not occur, none of my list have been without their fair share of problems (and I am not endorsing the others either, I just have no experience).

I have had Sprint PCS billing problems and MCI billing problems but Wduaqnug has problems with every company he deals with.

I've also had problems with Sprint PCS but not because their software was buggy but because of their CSR's who provided me with incorrect information.

I've been with T-Mobile (formerly VoiceStream) for almost 4 years and have NEVER had a problem with them except for a warranty issue regarding a phone, argh!


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
We had 5 months of wrong billings when my wife first got a cell phone. Here is my ordeal:
Error 1) $39 Cell phone was supposed to be free, but there was a $39 activation fee. They accidently charged me for both. I went in to complain and they removed $39 and taxes and I was happy.
Error 2) Got a $100+ overcharge on the second bill. The person who removed the charge removed the wrong one (activation fee instead of phone). When that error was found they just switched it back to billing me for both (including the extra charges). But wait, that then meant I didn't pay my first bill. Add late penalty, add taxes, add interest. I went in to complain and they said they'd fix it.
Error 3) The third bill came and they only kindof fixed it. They forgot to remove the late fee and interest (but they fixed everything else). Thus I didn't pay the whole thing and they added a second late fee and second interest (as well as taxes on those). I went in to complain and they said they'd fix it.
Error 4) Yep they fixed most of it, but due to their computer system they cannot alter taxes for at least 1 month after the bill is corrected. Thus they said I never paid tax on the late fees. So no tax, add a third late fee and interest. So I go in and complain. I sat 2 hours since I had a dozen people in front of me with the same complaint.
Error 5) They finally fixed most of their problems, but they miscalculated the taxes again. I just sent in a $200 check (bill was $34) and said fix everything, but I'm paying extra so that I don't get late fees again and have to have that same trouble again. Then I called into their main office and demanded a $10 credit to cover any errors they will make on the 6th statement (I'd figure that would cover any errors that might be on that bill and I'd just let this thing rest). The 6th statement came, no errors at all, I got a refund on that $200 that was over what I owed and got a free $10.

Moral: you probably aren't done with this error even when you think you are.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Voicestream/T-Mobile overbilled me for $550 the first month i had service and $300 the next. They fixed the errors after an hour call each time, but quite annoying.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2002
Don't worry Rossman, I fixed this problem already. Called Sprint PCS Media Vice President office, secretary switched me over to Jane who corporate executive resolution rep, she fixed credits


Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2001
have only had T-Mobile for two months and both bills were right so far. Stayed within my plan and just got charged the monthly fee.

I was little bit worried about the whole billing thing when getting a cell phone cuz I've heard many horror stories. So far so good here.

On a side note, the service in the Washington DC/NoVa area has been excellent!