anyone have a link to setting up a radius-authenticated AP?


Apr 10, 2001
I think they use LEAF or PEAP something at school and I'm very interested in messing around with it myself. Unfortunately I cannot run pfsense, which has an integrated radius server, on my soekris since it is not pwoerful enough. I will have to do it on my own.

I do however have a cisco 2610 with v 12.3 of the IOS and will have a free computer with, probably, freebsd 6 on it. I am new to freebsd (without the m0n0wall cheats;) ) and only have experience with linux, so I need some coaching here:eek:

Also, I was interested to see how radius authentication could be applied to a public hotspot. On the one hand I want public access but on the other hand, I want to run encryption for obvious reasons.

Any links to resoruces would be greatly appreciated.:)


Senior member
Jul 5, 2004
Also, I was interested to see how radius authentication could be applied to a public hotspot. On the one hand I want public access but on the other hand, I want to run encryption for obvious reasons.
MySQL database for a backend for storing allowed user/pass, Webserver with admin page for users..., iptables + some coded program to handle kicking people after a certain timeout period.(Not sure how exactly WPA works in this regard since I have only played with kicking via iptables and webauthenication)

Might be worth a look at chillspot, phpmyprepaid