Anyone gotten NCAA Football 2006 (for PS2) to display in 480p?

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have seen on multiple lists that NCAA Football 2006 can play in 480p mode. I have the necessary component cable, and have played at least one other game in 480p (ATV racing game), so I just need to get the game to switch display modes.

Can anyone verify that this game does in fact play in 480p? I have tried several times to hold the X and triangle buttons down simultaneously as suggested in other places, but I'm either doing it wrong or doing it at the wrong time.

By the way, when you do push those buttons down to successfully change it to 480p, what happens? Does the display just change or do you go to a menu selection?

Any help?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2002

"Generally, progressive scan mode is activated by holding the Triangle and X buttons down after the PlayStation 2 logo appears as the game loads or by enabling the progressive scan display mode in the game's options menu."

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: fanerman91

"Generally, progressive scan mode is activated by holding the Triangle and X buttons down after the PlayStation 2 logo appears as the game loads or by enabling the progressive scan display mode in the game's options menu."

Thanks. Yes, I've seen that and tried it. I was hoping someone could actually verify that they made it work with this game, since this game appears as being 480p on some lists and on others it doesn't.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I tried again last night with no success. Pressing and holding those two buttons immediately after the Playstation logo isn't doing it for me.

Can anyone actually confirm that this game will run in progressive scan (480p)?

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I can't seem to get Fifa 2007 to play in progressive mode, either. My PS2 will play one of my games in progressive, when I set it in the menu options. But for games without the menu option, they say you are supposed to be able to press the triangle and X buttons and make it switch to 480p.

Anyone know much about this? I can't seem to get it to work.