Anyone exctied about Empire: Total War???


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
If anyone *those who have played and enjoyed the series* has enjoyed playing with Medieval II: Total War, what do you expect from the upcoming Empire Total War??

I have seen some pretty amazing screenshots of the game, but what do you think it will turn out to be? As for me I am so hoping for this game and plus it reminds me so much of the movie "The Patriot" starring Mel Gibson.

Should be a great game, hope to read some of your opinions about it and hope, when the game is finally out, to challenge you guys:thumbsup::)


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
I seriously cant wait. I love all the Total War games, I own them all and the expansions for each. Fabulous series.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
me too, DeathBUA, i sometimes even play Rome: Total war, once in a while, i wish they would refresh remake it in the next years to come, instead of clone have all the roman soldiers and other countries' soldiers alike, have similar yet rugged down armor and clothing and with more depth in gameplay and tactics, now that would be a kickass Rome 2: Total war example. But seeing how ETW will look to be, i have high hopes for a revival of the games in the series. Everything so far in ETW is jaw-dropping!

Hope to game with you online DeathBUA, when ETW comes out:thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I'll buy it when the community's mods kick in for it.

Right now I'm having a blast with both The Long Road and DarthMod, two great modifications for Medieval II: Total War. I still haven't even bought the Kingdoms expansions yet, those modifications add double or triple the amount of content from the expansion to the vanilla game, and so far I only finished the game once under vanilla conditions (no mods, only official patches).

I've yet to beat it with mods not because it's too hard but because there's so much to do and so many territories to conquer. I've modified both of those two mods with some personal tweaks, and in both mods I have to conquer 100 provinces instead of the usual 35 to 55. And instead of the usual 700 to 900 turns I've modified it to 1500 turns. It's just too epic, it's how I like it though.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
wow pretty nice Zenoth. Probably when it comes to ETW, that game is basically going to deal with most of the known world *during that era* in the version of Total-War. I have read also that ETW is going to have more character animations than it did for M2TW and that you could invade another ship and capture it with your men *featured rumor* forgot where i read it, but having that in the ship battles would also be a big plus.

looking forward to gaming with you online too, when ETW finally arrives:)


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
Thanks for the pics TehMac, looks pretty amazing as well. Looking forward to gaming with you as well, since I also noticed how eager your are for this game to come out. I think my current rig could very well hack this game, but as with you, Im waiting *well not really till xmas* till prices go down for parts and awaiting the arrival of the new graphics cards coming out this june 17th-July, very soon to built my new gaming rig. *off topic: ever thought of getting a 26'' inch monitor instead of 24?*


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Some of the features look pretty interesting, but I've always either preferred ancient or futuristic RTSs.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
well during the era of ETW, elephants were not useful anymore so i wound not worry about them elephants. What I have seen and read, about this installment, is that they will have powerful cannons, hence artillery and if they designed the game based on how formations and tactics were used in this era, i believe this will be a very good tactical game for everyone, especially if you go one on one with another person online.

I just hope they increase the soldier cap on each unit, since in real life, during this time, soldier formations grouped hundreds of men together, so expect more units on screen. This game, if done right, might end up being the number one strategy game of game of 2008. *in terms of huge scale battles of course.

Hope to game with you online Pocatello, since based one what I read from your statement, that your not up for a one on one game with a player who cheats his/her way into winning buy using a full elephant artillery lol


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003

I'm assuming when you say "period" you meant this era in history. If anything, the next TW game they should make is a remake of SHOGUN TW, now that would be very interesting I bet


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Originally posted by: Dumac
Some of the features look pretty interesting, but I've always either preferred ancient or futuristic RTSs.

Ancient for me, but this game looks too good to pass up. I am basically going to buy this game. It's too good. It looks way too amazing.

Originally posted by: MrAK

I'm assuming when you say "period" you meant this era in history. If anything, the next TW game they should make is a remake of SHOGUN TW, now that would be very interesting I bet

I agree. Or China. Think of the cool architecture!!!


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003

better yet, Creative Assembly should collaborate with KOEI and create a TOTAL WAR/Romance of the three kingdoms kind of game, *your statement about China*. But looking at ETW, it seems to be a grand debut for Creative Assembly, I mean playing a TW game where it has the whole world for your ambition to be the most greatest and most powerful leader, in this era. I really think ETW is the big deal when it comes to real time strategy and the best huge scale battles will bring a lot of praise for this game. I just hope they make the turned based part a little more in depth rather than moving around and placing objects (soldier,general,diplomat,spy, etc)


Jan 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Zenoth
I'll buy it when the community's mods kick in for it.

Right now I'm having a blast with both The Long Road and DarthMod, two great modifications for Medieval II: Total War. I still haven't even bought the Kingdoms expansions yet, those modifications add double or triple the amount of content from the expansion to the vanilla game, and so far I only finished the game once under vanilla conditions (no mods, only official patches).

I've yet to beat it with mods not because it's too hard but because there's so much to do and so many territories to conquer. I've modified both of those two mods with some personal tweaks, and in both mods I have to conquer 100 provinces instead of the usual 35 to 55. And instead of the usual 700 to 900 turns I've modified it to 1500 turns. It's just too epic, it's how I like it though.

Stainless Steel is I think the highest quality mod by FAR if you want to play European campaigns. It's in 6.1 now, and you need Kingdoms though.

However, Broken Crescent is also amazingly good, and almost a completely new experience. It's all Eastern factions, Indian, African, Arab, and the ERE as well as Georgia and some others. Both mods are the best I've ever played for MTW2


Jun 2, 2005
The Total War series is one of my all time favorites, so this will probably be a must have game for me.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Yep. I'm getting sick of trying to simulate a gunpowder engagement with Medieval 2. As much as I love the cannons, the muskets just plain suck. Just hope it will run on my soon to be 3 year old system.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
Looking at all the eye candy and massive battles, it pretty much sums it all up, This game will most probably exhaust many computers if ran on full max graphical settings, if you know what i mean. I could imagine what requirement this game will have, just to run it good. Heck maybe ETW will benefit from Quad core cpus than Dual Core, who knows:confused:


Jun 4, 2008
If it will benefit more with Quad, then Empire will be a kick@s* game. The fact that if it will utitlize Quad would be mind blowin and at the same time your cpu would not have to hustle like a Dual would.

Sad that it maybe 2009 till we all get our hands on this massive game..:(


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Originally posted by: MrAK

better yet, Creative Assembly should collaborate with KOEI and create a TOTAL WAR/Romance of the three kingdoms kind of game, *your statement about China*. But looking at ETW, it seems to be a grand debut for Creative Assembly, I mean playing a TW game where it has the whole world for your ambition to be the most greatest and most powerful leader, in this era. I really think ETW is the big deal when it comes to real time strategy and the best huge scale battles will bring a lot of praise for this game. I just hope they make the turned based part a little more in depth rather than moving around and placing objects (soldier,general,diplomat,spy, etc)

yes I agree, with what you said. What I want is a wargame that's more...scrolled down. Something that encourages me to both scroll out and scroll in on people. Like, an EMPIRE-Building game.

Not just empire making or city building, but EMPIRE BUILDING!!

Makes me wet already. :D

Originally posted by: Cellulose
Some rumours of a 2009 release now

edit: e.g Eurogamer



Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
lol well said "Makes me wet already" and also with your opinion about empire building:thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Erhhmm. About that Eurogamer link: If they mean Fiscal 1st quarter of 2009, then thats what the whole September-December 2008 means. If they actually mean the first quarter of 2009, then fuck. I don't know how true that is, we'll have to actually wait and see.
Journalists are always getting their facts fucked up.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
I don't mind if the game is delayed, it's better for them to iron out the bugs before releasing the game. The musketeers in Medieval 2 are very frustrating to use, but can be very effective. They can rout an entire army, but very vulnerable.