anyone deal with speeding tickets from NH?


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
I am sure many of us were subject to speed traps this weekend. I am a NY liscensced driver, and I am wondering if points from a NH ticket will transfer. If they will, then I could use info on who to contact to plea it down by mail or phone. This is my first speeding ticket on my record, i had one before, but it was plead down to stop sign violation.

The story is pretty ridiculous. I was driving from my home in VT down I-93 to visit a friend in NH yesterday. And I-93 goes through the white mountains state park, and becomes a one-lane 45mph road, so a good amount of cars bunch up. After a bit, the road becomes 2 lanes and the speed limit goes to 65 again. Just when people are finding their place on the road, with the slowpokes being passed, I see somone on a bike standing at the side of the road, wearing mostly black. I always stay in the left lane on long trips unless people want to pass me. At this point, there are no cars in front of me, and my 3000lb+ 91 volvo wagon goes downhill faster than any other car, i catch up to big rigs on hills without using any gas, and they don't use brake lights. So as I am driving downhill, i'm wondering who is on the side of the road. I find out too late as the cop walks into my lany and flags me down. He said I was going 85, I told him i didn't think I exceeded 80 but I wasn't looking at my speedometer that instant, I was going downhill looking at him, hoping no one hit him. He wrote me up for 80 in a 65, which is an 86 dollar fine.

The part that erks me is that I wasn't trying to speed. I go 80 tops in the passing lane which is the flow of traffic. Going down hill and being at the front of the line made things worse. It's just dumb; after me they pulled over 2 more cars, and after i left, the northbound lane had 2 cruisers pulling people over left and right. They sure know how to pick a spot.


Feb 3, 2003
Originally posted by: tkotitan2I go 80 topsin the passing lane which is the flow of traffic.

too bad that you can't go a few minutes faster. now, STFU and pay it.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2000
Got pulled over on Rt. 93 South last year with WinstonSmith last year while out riding. Payed the fines on the last day, but never saw a surcharge on my insurance :)

Edit: finally read the whole rant, and thats the speed we were written up at. But we were really going a lot faster;)


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Ticket should tell you where to send the money or choose to plead 'innocent' on it.

Unfortunately 80MPH is still speeding, even when it's the flow of traffic. When you get a ticket doing that, it's like you just got picked off from the herd of buffalo by the hungry lion.

That said, if it was FL, I'd choose a court date option. In the past they Judges were liable to offer you a reduced points / lower fine option vs the std ticket stuff--before they actually heard your case. Not sure how it is in NH, I have heard that state is pretty bad for speeding fines but not sure about the judges.

86 dollars for 15 mph over the limit is downright cheap. Pay the ticket because this is one of law enforcement's hottest deals of the year. YMMV.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
well, I just heard from a guy I know that NY does not transferr out of state points, so i'll just pay it. I was curious because my only other ticket i got in NY was 4 hours from my house, and I plead it down by mail, I had to write a letter to the county DA and judge, and they sent me a form reducing the charge to a stop sign violation. The cost was still 120 bucks, but I kept the points away.

NH cops have a reputation for being road warriors. They give out tons of ticktets, and will pull over out-of-staters for the most ridiculous of things, like a bit of mud on the liscence plate, but you can still read it.

VT cops, on the other hand, are few and far between, the second smallest state in the union (population-wise) can't afford enough cops to cover the hundereds of miles of dirt roads we have. Plus getting anywhere to patrol requires driving through the woods, around a lake, and over a mountain. To boot, VT cops are amazingly unblievably stupid. Just for example, if someone robs your house, the cops don't even show up when you call them. But they run around playing this cops and druggies game busting teenagers with weed. Oh and we have had several people get killed in their homes by cops here recently, under veru dubious circumstances. VT cops are a farce.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: malbojah
Got pulled over on Rt. 93 South last year with WinstonSmith last year while out riding. Payed the fines on the last day, but never saw a surcharge on my insurance :)

Edit: finally read the whole rant, and thats the speed we were written up at. But we were really going a lot faster;)


Yeah I remember that. To be fair, we didn't get tagged for going too much faster, although there were places in VT where I in particular got "enthusiastic". As said, VT really doesnt get too agressive about speeding. Frankly they have no need to. Where I hit 165 was on a section of road with 3 lanes and no cars. Nothing. Literally. There was nothing to hit.

You got pulled over at the same spot as us. I was a little miffed, because it's at the bottom of a steep section and everyone has to ride their brakes to keep it under the limit. If they wanted to catch people who intentionally exceed the limit, the next mile or two down the road would have been better. This wasn't about saftey though. It was about money.

There were 3 state PD cars pulling people over that day. EVERYONE got pulled over unless the cops were too busy writing tickets. Once they ticketed the poor sap, they flagged the very next car.