Skace: it's a multiplayer mod (5v5 max). Here, i'll just post the DOTA basic description I originally posted on
There are 3 merchants at each home base. In addition, there are 3 "recipe holders", lvls 1,2 and 3. Recipes of course list the items required to obtain the item listed. You do not buy recipes. For example, the recipe for ring of the basilisk will say sobi mask + ring of protection. Collect a sobi mask and a ring of protection and you will gain a ring of the basilisk giving you a +2 devotion aura and a minor brilliance aura. All items are bought with the exception of the ATMA weapon, which nobody knows much about. Each side has 1 other merchant (which both sides can visit - they are identical) elsewhere on the map. These are the high lvl merchants - items here range from 875 -> 4100 gold.
Basic elements: There are 24 heroes to choose from on each side, each hero has 3 main abilities, 1 ult and the +2 to all stats ability which can be upgraded 10 times. Hero max lvl = 25. Scourge fight top right to bottom left, Sentinel bottom left to top right. 3 lanes + multiple secondary routes to lay ambush etc. The map also contain many neutral camps. Use these to gain gold, but know that you don't receive xp (pretty sure...). Each side has 2 towers guarding each lane + additional towers in each town. If you get the killing blow on a tower, you'll receive 480-550 gold. Losing towers means a disadvantage of course, but it is far from serious.
Kinda confusing if you've never heard of DOTA at all, but i think that should give ya the gist of it. Any questions?
Capone: what version man? 5.60b is being played now.