Anybody know of a generic home foreclosure notice/template that I can modify for my own use?


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I hate April fool's day, but mrsskoorb has gotten me a couple of times, and now I'm going to show her how it's done. I can't find anything close. The best I can find is a respossession notice for a car, which would require heavy editing to be at all believable for a home!


Well I got her back. I disconnected the garage door and locked the main one, plus turned all the lights off. Although I didn't have anything tooo official I did have this for when she got home. I met her on her way to the neighbour's house where I was waiting and she ran over and incredulously asked if I knew we had an eviction notice. Ha! She thought it a real one, but also incorrectly served (ie. knew we didn't deserve it), but next year I think I'll have to get her better, because I still owe for about five other times. I still hate april fool's day though.


Jan 10, 2001
The ones I have seen have all been brightly colored and stickers that can't be easily peeled off. One house we looked at had a bunch of those notices, including water and gas shut offs, electrical, etc.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I don't know if she'll go for it, because she's clevererer than I, but I'll do my best. I just have to make sure I'm home before her. Then I'll deadbolt the door and disconnect the garage door opener and turn out the lights. I dearly hope I can get home before her!!


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I don't know if she'll go for it, because she's clevererer than I, but I'll do my best. I just have to make sure I'm home before her. Then I'll deadbolt the door and disconnect the garage door opener and turn out the lights. I dearly hope I can get home before her!!
