anybody have any fake ID stories?

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Jul 26, 2001
my roomate got cought with one... 1000 dollar fine. :Q

edit: d'oh, hit enter to fast.. anyways that was 2 years ago- it sucked...

My girlfreind just informed she got one today, and is going out tonight to try it out at a club. Even when i was under age i never would have used one.. and now i'm going to be worried about her all night. If she wasnt 6 hours away from me right now maybe it would be such a big deal, but i hate being this far away and not knowing if she's okay or not.

i hate this. :|
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Oct 9, 1999
<--- 22 and has no need for a fake id..

even before never needed it.. there is a under 21 club here in LA.. so why bother with fake id's.


May 3, 2000
I used one once. The bouncer didn't think it was real so he called the manager over. The manager looked at it and held it under a light. He then asked me my date of birth and I told him without hesitation. He handed me my fake ID back and proceeded to let me in.

Luckily, I don't have to do this anymore since I'm almost 23. :)

Edit: And I only used it that one time. I was pretty nervous, but did end up having a good night.


Aug 14, 2000
I was in Wildwood, NJ last summer... it was august 15th or so... i was club hopping all over down there using my fake ID (i was 20 at the time).... went to another club later that night around 1am to meet some more friends that were at that spot. Well being easily influenced we tried to get in (some of us of age and some of us, like me, not of age) We there was a bouncer at the door checking ID's ... looks at mine and says no way so i turn away thinking, ohh well she didn't take my ID... i turn around walk about 10 feet and get surrounded by 10 Wildwood police officers... they wanted to see my ID so i said here : i gave them my real Pennsylvania ID and one cops asked the bouncer if that was the ID i shown and he said no so i gave up and gave them my fake ID..... BUSTED!!!! got locked up and sat in a COLD ass cell all night with about 20 of my friends waiting at the station(they were all drunk and f*cking with the cops) until the cops finally let me go but gave me a court date.

Had to come back to Wildwood, NJ about a month later for the court appearance... The judge was a total d*ck and there was like 200 younger aged people there with me for all types of violations... i knew noone was getting away with anything that day....

what happened? : He gave me a $500 fine and (here something funny) told me my *New Jersey* drivers license would be suspendid... i said OK? and left This funny thing is i don't have a NJ drivers license i live in Philly PA.... talk to some people and they told me don't worry about it ....

I never paid the fine and have been receiving notices about every 3 months that my *NJ* license is still suspendid...(yea so what!!!!!) and that i probably have a warrent out for my arrest in NJ.....

I really don't care... i was turning 21 in less then a month and i had no prior record of any kind...the judge should have took that into account but seeing that wildwwod is pretty mucha town that depends on tourism during the summer months and basically no income during the off season they have to make up with it with fines up the ass!!!!! So screw them i will not pay... i figure i don't goto NJ that much anyways and when i do goto the shore next summer... someone else will drive, like my G/F



Jul 26, 2001
wow robcom... thats quite a story... i would have been scared to death if all those cops came up to me. I never had the balls to use a fake id when i was under 21. I never really liked going out to clubs or bars anyways, so it wasnt a big deal.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2000
Hehe....what kind of fakes do you guys use? One where it is someone else's ID or an ID with your picture, name, and whatnot but just not issued from the DMV?


Jan 15, 2000
I'm 18 and I have a fake ID that says I am 20 (you need to be 19 to do everything here), which I use quite often (mostly to buy alcohol for my friends).

The thing is, its impossible for someone to catch me :D

This ID was sent to my by the Ministry where they made he typo! There are two places on the card that show the birthdate, and both match.

Also, I don't get carded a lot to begin with, since I am 194cm tall (6'4").


Jul 26, 2001

<< Hehe....what kind of fakes do you guys use? One where it is someone else's ID or an ID with your picture, name, and whatnot but just not issued from the DMV? >>

my roomate got busted with an actual fake one... my g/f told me that her freind who is 22 gave her an old expired license that is real.

ive never used one, have no need to now becuase i'm 21. And i'm kinda pissed that my girlfreind wants to use one.


Platinum Member
Dec 11, 2000
I got my first fake ID when I was 15. So I went down to the LCBO to get some booze and they didn't even ID me!!!

In fact, I never really recall being IDed until I was actually 19...

(my "fake" ID was my older brothers expired license)


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
When i was in university I started at 17, younger than my friends. 19 was age of drinking. I was born in 1978. I found that our student Id could be scratched on the 8 and, with a careful hand, turned into a 6 with scratching and the right pen. I did an AWESOME job with this and it worked great. Start of second year I did it again. I was the first one I knew of to try it in first year and apparently the word got out fast because the first day of school in second year the school pub was now actually checking for these. Like I said, my turning an 8 into a 6 was top-notch, so the only way to tell was to actually scratch it with your fingernail. the bouncer caught me for it and the card was taken. I had no penalty served on me though thankfully.

I have to say I was pissed at all the people I saw do this. Some had crappy jobs of 8 into 6, and worse yet some were totally scratching out the 7's (1977) and turning into 6's. Piss-poor jobs and they ruined it for those of us with any sort of skill!

After this what worked well was my older brother's canadian citizenship card. Though it was taken when he was about 14 and I was 18 at the time passing for a 21 year old it is valid ID and the picture looked damnwell like me. It got funny looks from people but it passed :) I gave it to my friend one time to hang on to and the sonofawhore left it in his pants when he got his laundry done. There went that ID.


Jul 26, 2001
skoorb- they let you all use student id's at clubs? here in Va clubs and bars and pretty much any place wont accept anything but a drivers license.


Jan 2, 2000
This isn't really a fake ID story, but is in a goes: A friend and I were buying some beer in the grocery story. I was about 22 at the time. My friend was waiting in front of me as I showed the girl my ID and paid. Then he starts saying "John, don't use that fake ID. You're going to get us arrested....etc, etc" and generally carried on.

My name isn't John, and it wasn't a fake ID....he was joking, but the girl started believing it....only when I got out my Social Security card and my car registration was I allowed BY THE MANAGER to buy the beer.

She even started questioning whether the picture OF ME was really me.



May 3, 2000

<< Hehe....what kind of fakes do you guys use? One where it is someone else's ID or an ID with your picture, name, and whatnot but just not issued from the DMV? >>

I made my own. It was an exact copy of my ID, but with the birthdate changed. I even changed the DL# because in FL they have your birth year in it.


Golden Member
Jun 19, 2001

<< I never paid the fine and have been receiving notices about every 3 months that my *NJ* license is still suspendid...(yea so what!!!!!) and that i probably have a warrent out for my arrest in NJ..... >>

w/o goin into a lot of detail, let me tell you that at your age you are far better off paying the $500 and getting it taken care of now -- for lots of reasons...its a stupid fine yes, but the way you're handling it is somewhat worse.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2001
Yeah heres one on my 19th birthday (19 is legal drinking age in BC) I went to go to the bar with a couple of my friends who were 19, then one who was not 19 and not really my friend decided that she would join us. The guy took one look at her id and laughed at her, I thought it was funny, but I was still pissed off cause I wanted to go and get my free alcohol cause they give you free shots on your 19th. People with fake id should be fired... out of a cannon into the sun.


Oct 14, 2001
my current driver's license picture was taken about 3 years ago. since then, i've lost about 50 lbs (190 to 140) , grew some hair (was bald headed), shaved off the mustache, and for some reason my skin looks alot lighter. Everytime i get carded for drinks or clubs (i'm 22), they really don't believe that the picture is me and wonder if i'm tryign to pitch them a fake ID. I really should get a new license picture.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2014
This is actually a pretty funny fake ID story that happened to me not long ago. At the time I was only 19 (I am 22 now) and my sister gave me her old fake ID when she turned 21. It was pretty much flawless since my sister and I look very identical. The ID also ran through black lights and scanned. It worked EVERYWHERE. Liquor stores, clubs, bars, everywhere. No one ever hesitated it or ever questioned me about it. However, one night I went to an "A Fresh Market" to grab something to eat with a friend and two cases of beer. I went to the non self-check out counter (like always) and put the beer and everything on the counter and showed the clerk my ID after she asked me if she could see it. She looked at it and for a second and the first time while I've had this ID someone finally asked me "what is your birth date?" I knew the month and day because it was my sisters original birthday but I literally spaced out on the year. So I froze and guessed a number to the best of my ability. And of course she said it was wrong. She was so confused as what to do I told her that she could keep it but I still wanted to pay for my food. She asked me "is anything on here true?" and I said no (which was true. NEVER use your real info on the ID just so they cant look you up.) She told me to wait a minute and she went to the back room in the grocery store and called a manager or security or something to the counter over the intercom of the store. Now my friend came up to me after he checked out with his stuff (He was 24 at the time) and asked me what was wrong because my face looked a little flushed and I told him she found out it was a fake ID. Hahah he asked me "do you want to run" and I said "should we run?" and he responded "we should probably run" hahah I wasn't going to wait for the security guard or manager to come and chew my ass if I had to opportunity to dip especially when the door was right there and there was hardly anyone in the store. So my friend and I just walked normally outside the door of the grocery store and as soon as we got outside we booked it to my car and left. When we were leaving the parking lot I even turned around and no one was out there looking for me or anything haha. So a few tips when it comes to getting a fake ID and passing it off well:
1. NEVER use your real name. I'd recommend putting only your real first name so if you are somewhere in the bar or store and someone addresses you by your real name during your purchase, you won't get busted.
2. Use your real birthdate but just change the year. If you don't use your real birthday make sure you do some research on your astrological sign (I've heard of some bouncers ask people what their "sign" is) Plus your birthday is easy to remember.
3. For safety measures MAKE SURE YOU KNOW ALL THE INFO ON YOUR ID. Fake address and everything. People WILL take you by surprise and you just wanna always prepare for the worst but expect the best.
4. Last but not least haha...if you DO get caught and you have the opportunity to unsuspiciously leave. Fucking don't hold back. It makes for a great story and why sit and even if you are scared shitless its a lot less scarier than waiting for the cops or higher authority to chew your ass and potentially send you to the authorities.
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