Any tips on applying boiled linseed oil to woodworking projects?

Oct 19, 2000
I typically have been going to the heavily populated woodworking sites to get my info, but I hate asking simple noob questions like this one. The people who frequent those sites are way beyond my skill level, with thousands to spend on equipment, and sometimes they seem bothered by simple questions :).

So ATOT woodworkers, any tips on applying boiled linseed oil? Do you use any special mixtures, or just straight oil? Brush or wipe? Do you sand in between coats, or just one coat? I'm still getting started, so any tips would be great!
Feb 24, 2001
Bare wood
Spray shellac
BLO+super fine steel wool to smooth out the shellac
Latex gloves + dip them in BLO and work it all over the wood, making sure to remove all steel wool (will rust if you don't get it all)
Let dry
"Sand" with a t-shirt (takes a while)
Another application of BLO
Let dry
Sand with a finer t-shirt

Keep buffing with a fine cotton t-shirt until desired shine/smoothness is reached :)

I'm not a pro at all, as evidenced by me just pouring BLO all over it with gloves :D
Feb 24, 2001
I don't think you can find regular sandpaper as fine as this stuff. IIRC it's called wet sanding. It's comparable to a grit of several thousand. I want to say it's rated like "000" or "0000"

There may be some high sandpaper out there, but I haven't seen any that was real high and not steel wool :(


Senior member
Nov 26, 2000
My preference is Watco Danish Oil Finish

When I use boiled linseed oil I warm it up a bit and apply it with a cotton cloth. When it starts to dry I rub it with the same cloth with a little less linseed oil to smooth it out. Periodically apply it until the wood seems to be sealed. Can take a few months on and off before it is relatively permanent. If you are sealing oak or mahogany you should probably dilute it 2:1 with turpentine.

The Watco Danish Oil Finish requires no diluting.


(former shop teacher)