Any recommendations for a partition configuration


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2005
I just installed bootable RAID-0 on my neo4 platinum and am wondering if anyone has any strong opinions on how to partition the array.WindowsXP pro loaded with no problems.

I know that some advocate a small partition for the OS, perhaps a small partition for boot files, another for applications, another for data, a separate partitition for video editing as well as a back-up partition.

Also, is there any benefit to placing the pagefile on a separate partition, and if so, why and how would I do it?

Finally, if I was to create a separate OS and application partitions, wouldn't I beed to change some sort of variable in windows designated my default installation 'drive'? If so, could I recieve some instruction on how to do so?

Thanks for your patience with my long post, but this only my second.