curently listnening to:
Tragedy,Misery Signals,Bane,Send More Paramedics,STRONG INTENTION,7Angels 7plagues,Corrosion of Conformity,The Bezerker, Neuaraxis,Napalm Death,HateBreed,Cephalectomy,Hemdale,Dystopia,Samhain,. Slayer, Danzig,Autumn to Ashes,Atrocity,And the Hero Fails,A perfect Murder,Embrace today,Fear before the March of Flames,Opeth,One Dead three Wounded,Make Move,Tears From the Sky,Misfists,Twelve Tribes,Clearing Autumn Skies,Exodus,Whiplash,Cyclone,Testament,Kreator, Metallica, Front line assembly,Sepisism,Nuclear Assualt, Skinny Puppy, Inflames, Ed Gein, Deathreat, The Faint, Dimmu Borgir, His hero is gone, Ministry, Suicidal Tendencies,Emperor,Joy Division,Echo and the Bunnymen,New Order, Stormtroopers of Death,Accused,Anti-schism,Amebix,Angel Corpse,Converge,Rifles at Recess,18 visions.
Some metal in there and a little new wave to round out. This is all stuff I have on my box at work.