Any new news on the G800? (or should I buy a Radeon?)


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
The title says it all- Has there been any updates? New rumours? Leaks? A DATE??? It's late... I can't help but wonder if I'm going to shoot myself in the foot if I buy a Radeon card now instead of waiting...


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2000
Buy the radeon now if you can afford it. When the G800 comes out you can sell the radeon and get the Matrox card.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
I did the same thing - waited to see what Matrox would be offering next. No word.

Ordered the Radeon yesterday - 32MB DDR Retail from Onvia, $226, no tax, free shipping:

Good V5-5500 vs GF@-GTS vs Radeon article HERE

Selected quotes (copy & paste):

the Radeon and its Charisma Engine currently has the greatest support for tomorrow's games (of course in the graphics market that means maybe a six month advantage). When new games (That's spelled "Tribes II" and "Halo") come out you'll see an incredible performance advantage over it's current competitors in speed and visual quality.

The Radeon made this possible by adding a third texture unit, and supporting nearly the whole lineup of DirectX features. So in many of today's games the Radeon is beaten by the Geforce2 GTS, but in many future games the Geforce2 GTS will have it's effective fill rate cut in half by it's need to make two passes to render each frame thereby making it slower, and DirectX features such as EMBM (Environmental Mapped Bump Mapping) used in Tribes 2 make this the ultimate "Eye Candy" video card (Though the quality of its FSAA falls well short of the Voodoo 5).

The Radeon runs cooler than most other video chips in its class, despite having more than 30 million transistors (ATI says the fan is merely cosmetic

Bottom Line

If you like eye candy and are getting a card now there is no better card for you; the Radeon does it all, and it does it all with style. If you want to brag about your 3DMark scores, this is not the card for you. ATI has a smart, well designed card that will make your computer shine. Though the card is very fast, you may find yourself waiting some time to truly see what it is capable of since, as of this writing, no game really takes advantage of its true capabilities.

Interesting thread


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2000

bluemax all depends on what card do you have right now. If you got something like TNT2/V3 you prolly shoud uppgrade.



Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
This is the same exact situation i was in. I wanted to wait for the G800 since i been hearing the expected date for it was like september(or from anands hint in the GF Ultra conclusion) i waited and then heard another rumor that the G800 is expected for 1Q 2001. I went ahead and bought the 32mb Radeon for 220$. :D


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Excellent points all 'round. I don't think I'll be bad-off with a VIVO, and it winds up being $100 less than from Onvia. Still, spending $175 Canadian on top of my old V3-3500 sale just hurts... the 3500TV isn't that bad, I just really miss 32-bit colour and the TV input quality is pretty poor IMO.

Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
The only news I have heard is the RUMOR that the G800 will be announced at Comdex in November.

I would be surprised (pleasantly, of course ;)) if the G800 was available before year end.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Well I still have a V3 3000 and I'm happy with it. I really don't see a compelling need to spend a few hundred bucks for a faster video card. I'll wait...not specifically for a G800, but for one that is worth upgrading too.