Any Kite Boarding people in here?


Senior member
Aug 14, 2000
Hi Guys,
So i know how to work a sail kite. I used to have a two meter one, and flew it all the time.
got pretty good at it too.

But, flying it while on a board, seems a lil complcated (ya think?). Can anyone recommend a good
place to start getting some info. Maybe a forum of some sort? Any one know of a club
or something i can join in the Seattle area to meet other people that do this?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
I would like to know also. Looks like fun. The forearms gotta be sore after the first time though!


Oct 10, 1999
If you know how to control the kite, once you master "getting to your feet" so to speak, you are pretty much over the hump. From what I've seen the only way to master it is practice, practice, practice. Once you are afloat and moving, flying the kite isn't significantly different from doing it while on solid ground.

Re-launching after a splashdown is probably the other big hurdle.

You should be able to find clubs or instructors with a little creative googling. I know of one in Egg Harbor, NJ, but that won't help you too much :)

This looks like a fun game to me, but the startup costs are high, and I've seen my friend Doug wait all day for the wind to pick up only to find that when it does, it's just not *quite* enough. Very frustrating.