Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
I had the same issue with mine(98 T&C) -the plugs are near impossible to get to. Here is how I got to mine.
From memory but I used a Haynes manual
*disconnect battery

*Remove wipers (yes do this)
*remove plastic cover (where the wipers are - be careful not to damage washer spray hose when taking this off - I broke a hose)
*unbolt "tub" that holds the wiper mechanism
*disconnect throttle cables, air intake hose, and a the misc vac hoses on the intake plenum
*unbolt UPPER intake plenum and remove plenum.
*edit - There is an EGR connection on the intake somewhere - you have to unbolt that too but I can't remember exactly what piece of the intake it was connected to. So basically - don't do this when your engine is still hot
you should be able to get to the plugs. Be sure to get a new upper intake gasket - don't put the old one back on - they're cheap anyway.