Any experinces with Airbone Express? I hate them now.


Jul 3, 2001
So I got in on the Dell special last Thursday nite and ordered a Canon S200 and a usb hub. I selected free overnite shipping because I figured, hey, I never order overnite, why not??? The camera was 1 shipment and the hub was another.

What a mistake.

So I am tracking my shipments this morning... and I see that it says it was already delivered to my house and signed by FD. I think, this is strange, no one by FD lives here. I thought it was short for front door - I open front door... no package, go to the garage door .... no package, check the back door ... no package. I figure their system must be acting up. So time goes by and my mom yells for me to come down. I go downstairs and she said she found a package behind the tires of her SUV ... about 2 feet behind. The Airborne Express driver put the package at the begginning of my garage right behind the SUV. What a stupid move. You couldn't see the package from the garage door entrance it because it was hidden behind the vehicle, but my mom saw it in the side view mirrors while backing up. I figure, okay, honest mistake, I can't wait to get my hands on the camera

I went to class, came home late, and there was no package. I thought this was strange, I checked the tracking number and a guy I had never heard of signed for the package. I called up Airborne Express and asked them where my package is. They said that they had already delivered it.... I reply asking WHERE they delivered it. I was on hold for damn near 10 minutes but she said found it, it was delivered to Nationwide HQ. I said okay.... why was it sent there? And she made the excuse that they get a lot of packages so they probably just sent my package with the rest. I asked if they had already contacted Nationwide about the mistake but they haven't. She said hopefully someone at Nationwide will just sent it back - if a digital camera you didnt order arrived at your desk would you return it? I know some people woudln't :(

Does that seem resonable? It doesn't to me. When I ask when I can receive my package she says she doesn't know when/if they will get it back ... they will call me tomorrow. I hope they do call or I will be very angry:disgust:

I filed a complaint for the package they delivered today and I will file another complaint when/if I get the second package.

Anyone else had good/bad expereinced with Airborne Express? This is my first time using them, and hopefully my last.



Dec 31, 2000
i hate them. i had to use them when my supplier shipped overnight. guaranteed before noon meant i was lucky to see the moron by 1 PM.


loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Putting your package behind a car is almost as stupid as when UPS put my package in my trashcan. :disgust:


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: werk
Putting your package behind a car is almost as stupid as when UPS put my package in my trashcan. :disgust:

Wow, that is beyond terrible.

UPS at least delivers to my front door

Do any companies actually RING the doorbell and ask for a SIGNATURE?



Mar 12, 2000
Yep, that sounds like AE.

One time I had a hard drive replacement shipped to me via them (I had no choice of the carrier). It was obvious when I got the package (which they left outside in the elements in my apartment complex) that the box had been opened and 'inspected.'

Thankfully, whoever took a peek inside the box decided it wasn't worth stealing.

They shipped my Dell 1504FP flat panel monitor and my optiplex system perfectly.

The CPU was ground, and the monitor was express (next day), but they delivered them both next day...excellent service for me.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
I've used them 4 times and had trouble each time! I now refuse to ship anything with AE and if the shop wants to use them.........I'll buy elswhere.............


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2000
Am I the only one VERY confused by his story?

So what was the package behind your mom's SUV?
Did you not bring it in/open it immediately after your mom told you there was a package at the garage door?

If that package wasn't the camera, then what was it?

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: psteng19
Am I the only one VERY confused by his story?

So what was the package behind your mom's SUV?
Did you not bring it in/open it immediately after your mom told you there was a package at the garage door?

If that package wasn't the camera, then what was it?
Maybe if you read the last sentence in the first paragraph, you'd understand.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2000
Ohhh ok.
It would've cleared everything up if he had said that the first shipment received was the hub :p

I've had no problems with Airborne.
In fact, I bought the Seagate 80 gig and AE delivered it this morning no problems.

Dell always next day's replacement parts and it gets here.
No complaints here :D


Aug 30, 2000
If you look at the vans, each AE is privately owned and operated. They are not a big company like UPS/Fedex where they have everyone directly under their control. Its more like a franchise from what I can tell.