Any ATOTers use adsense or similar?


Senior member
Apr 8, 2002
My hosting fees are quite high and I was wondering what you guys are pulling in for your site...

(You don't have to list $$ amount if its against the TOS but compare it to something of value...)

Initially I avoided putting ads on my site but now i think i will have to reconsider... need to find a way to not look annoying but still keep the site up and running (at least)...


BTW if this is in the wrong section lemme know... i really dunno where else to post this...

BTW2 I wonder what AT pulls in lolz...


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2004
I was going to post another thread but this topic is the same as what I need. I was looking at google adsense for my web site as I need money to upgrade my servers and such. Has anyone had experience with adsense or other methods of advertising for medium sized web sites?