Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: Blackjack2000
Incredibly brave act, this guy knew what he was doing and tried to shake the nation awake. His death will probably save lives in the long run.
wait.......stop the presses...you have to be kidding....
Shades of vietnam?? hardly....that guy was an idiot plain and simple!!
Ignoramus, there was a well-known self-immolation which occured to protest the Viet Nam war, by a Quaker, and a father, at the Pentagon. It moved many people.
A Buddhist monk similarly expressed their profound opposition to the repression of buddhists by the catholic Diem; similar to some right-wingers in this forum, his sister-in-law trivialized that with the comment that it was a 'Bonze barbeques', shocking many Americans by her insensitivity and opening their eyes to the problem, with JFK ultimately finding the Diem administration, and his particular Diem's refusal to restrict the behaviors by 'Dragon Lady' Nhu and her brothers, the buddhist repression, unacceptable and he allowed a coup in which Diem and his brother were killed. She had been disowned by her own parents for her position favoring the buddhist repression.
I find the comments in the thread trivializing this contemptible and disgusting.