Anti-Virus For Business Use


Platinum Member
May 27, 2000
I know there are a bunch of threads already on anti-viruses, but there is nothing about business use.

I am doing some consulting for a local accounting firm, they have 9 systems plus a server. They arent protected right now, because they are still using PIIs, and werent planning on getting an anti virus till they upgraded. Im putting in all new systems for them, except for the server and want to put some decent antivirus software on there for them. I dont have much experiece businesswise with respect to av software, personally i like norton and panda.

I want to get something that has admin capability from the server at the least. I am looking at Norton 9 for SB at the moment, 10 liscenses will cost me 300, so i wanted to see if anyone else had a suggestion.

Thanks, Brad


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I like McAfee VirusScan Enterprise pretty well. Some info I put together on it.

McAfee has a couple of types of central management consoles, the dumbed-down ProtectionPilot flavor and then the full-on ePolicy Orchestrator. Our grant includes ePO and although it can take some practice to get it down, that's the one I like better.

PM me if you need any targeted info... open all night :D


Oct 10, 1999
I've been using Symantec Corporate Edition for some years now, and it's easy to use and well-behaved. I'm not sure how the SB edition differs.


Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by: mechBgon
I like McAfee VirusScan Enterprise pretty well. Some info I put together on it.

McAfee has a couple of types of central management consoles, the dumbed-down ProtectionPilot flavor and then the full-on ePolicy Orchestrator. Our grant includes ePO and although it can take some practice to get it down, that's the one I like better.

PM me if you need any targeted info... open all night :D

my school ditributes copies of VSE8.0i, I actually like it a lot, although I'm a bit unfamiliar with the central management features.