Anti-Static Wrist wrap question


Senior member
May 22, 2004
hi, i was wondering,how is a anti-static wrist band used? it says to attach the alligator clip to the non painted part of the case, is that the back of the computer? also, when and where do i have to touch with my hand? one last one, when you completly take the case off, and there is not case, what do i do then and do you neede to use a wrist wrap if it is the first time the part has been used, like when you are first putting it together.....sorry if too many questions.....THANKS


Junior Member
May 21, 2004

You need the wrist strap for ESD protection of your components. Wrap it around the wrist of the hand you will use when first touching the equipment. Make a concious effort to use this hand when you first come in contact with the board. Static charges build up in the body and on your clothes all the time based on the conditions of the enviroment you live in and the relative impedience to ground your body is currently at (rubber soles shoes act as a great resister to ground and hence the voltage build-up of your body can and often is higher than ground).

By using a wrist strap that has good contact with skin and connecting it to a metal part of your case you are putting yourself and the case at the same voltage. Notice I said at the same voltage, not at 0 volts. To achieve 0 volts, your case must be plugged into a 3-prong outlet with the ground prong properly connected back to reference ground. Keep the PS off, but still plugged into the wall outlet and yourself connected through a wrist strap and you will be fine.

Lastly, when you received anything in an ESD bag, remember to bring the bag to the same voltage you and the case are at by rubbing the inside of the bag, which is coated with a thin conductive layer of material, on a metal portion of the case before removing the component.

Sorry to be long winded but static electricity can do serious damage to sensitive components like the CPU and ram.

Check out ESD info for more info.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
fyi, you shouldn't ask the same question in multiple sections of the forum, bad etiquette.
other thread link

in response to your question though. I never use one. Basically just be sure to touch the case, or other grounded metal surfaces, before handling circuit boards. That way you can avoid shocking the board and any sensitive parts.


Senior member
May 22, 2004
hi majtj, thanks... one other question, you said to bring it to 0 volts,one step is to keep it plugged in....well to use it normally, like as you said, to keep it the same temperature as you, do you unplug everything from the computer? THANKS


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
Originally posted by: JoeFahey
im sorry cheetah, im new here, please excuse me

LOL! don't worry. I just wanted to politely let you know before someone flames the hell out of your thread...