anti-american protest in stockholm?


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
I'm currently in Stockholm for the NHL challenge and today while walking around I saw what looked like and anti-american protest by maybe a couple dozen people. They had a couple of banners talking about american imperialism since I don't read swedish I might be wrong. If anyone in stockholm could confirm this I'd appreciate it. It was taking place outside kulturhuset.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Possible? Sure! I did read though that they have already commited their Air Force to help!:)


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Somebody fill me in. WTF will it take to appease these people? How in the hell is the US supposed to conduct itself, that will suit the rest of the world?

Are we supposed to just let Israel get run over? Are we supposed to hamstring our companies that want to do business abroad? What other bugs do they have up their collective ass about the US? I'm serious, give me a list!


Sep 16, 2001
Pikachu, the rest of the world can kiss our asses. No we cannot leave Israel vulnerable to the Muslims in the Middle East. That would be to condemn their state to certain death. Our country is rich and our people arrogant, that is why so many people have problems with us. But honestly, who cares? We will continue to be the most powerful country in the world and we will stamp out terrorism, which will make us even more powerful. Then everyone will really hate us.


Senior member
Sep 10, 2000
I looked around in the Swedish newspapers and didn't find any notice about it, but it doesn't sound too unlikely considering swedish socialists have traditionally been pretty pro-Palestinian. Also, Israel hasn't looked very good in the press this spring/summer. But this is definitely only a small minority of the Swedish people. On the other hand, I think what most americans don't understand when it comes to Europe is how hard it is for us to accept the religous overtones that are common even in the highest levels of the american government. With the conflicts in Israel and the middle east always present, religion isn't very popular around here. That includes christianity, even though Sweden is a christian contry.


Sep 15, 2001
If you'd been is Stockholm for a longer time you'd quickly notice that on "plattan" (outside kulturhuset) it is very normal for people to shout ut their message. Sometimes it's about American imperialism, sometimes about the "evil" european union, sometimes about excess violence from the police, sometimes about the conflict in Palestina, things like that.
So it's not strange it doesn't appear in the newspapers, it's an everyday thing.

And I agree very much with BlueScreenVW, decisions made on religion doesn't make much sense to the most of us...

<< Possible? Sure! I did read though that they have already commited their Air Force to help! >>

To help who do what? Sweden is not a member of NATO and it's HIGHLY unlikely we'll send troops or fighters anywhere, unless there's a UN decision for it.