Anthon 3000+


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2004
I just purchased a Athlon 3000+ 333 mhz FSB processor. For some reason the processor on runs at 2125 mhz. I am also getting alot of computer reboots. First is there a away to make the processor run faster? (2) why am I getting the reboots. I had the Athlon 2600+ which is a better processor?

System Components:

Soyo KT400 Dragon Lite motherboard
Maxtor Diamond 9 120GB ATA 133
Maxtor Diamond 8 40 GB ATA 133
Maxtor SATA 150 and ATA 133 Combo Card (This runs both of the Hard Drives)
1280Ghz in PC 2700 memory
Lite on DVD/CD Combo Drive
Sony 4x Dvd Writer (Both CD Roms are hook to IDE 1 on the MB)
2 Case Fans
ATA 133 cool master cables on both the CD Roms and both hard drives
Cool master cable on the floppy drive also
Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4

Please review and make suggestions if I can run my system better. I am open for ideas. Thanks



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: car24fan
I just purchased a Athlon 3000+ 333 mhz FSB processor. For some reason the processor on runs at 2125 mhz. I am also getting alot of computer reboots. First is there a away to make the processor run faster? (2) why am I getting the reboots. I had the Athlon 2600+ which is a better processor?

System Components:

Soyo KT400 Dragon Lite motherboard
Maxtor Diamond 9 120GB ATA 133
Maxtor Diamond 8 40 GB ATA 133
Maxtor SATA 150 and ATA 133 Combo Card (This runs both of the Hard Drives)
1280Ghz in PC 2700 memory
Lite on DVD/CD Combo Drive
Sony 4x Dvd Writer (Both CD Roms are hook to IDE 1 on the MB)
2 Case Fans
ATA 133 cool master cables on both the CD Roms and both hard drives
Cool master cable on the floppy drive also
Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4

Please review and make suggestions if I can run my system better. I am open for ideas. Thanks

That is the proper mhz or pretty close to it(hopefully someone can confirm that). As for your reboots it could be a number of things.

1) I assume your 2600+ was a 266mhz fsb cpu, if you had set you ram to CAS 2(or if BIOS automatically selected CAS 2) then that could be the problem. Try using CAS 2.5 then 3.0 if 2.5 doesn't fix the problem

2) Get the latest version of the motherboards BIOS

3) Make sure your FSB is set to 166mhz and not 165 or lower/close to 166

4) Ckeck your voltages, if you Power Supply is too weak it may not provide enough Voltage.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Since you have PC2700 ram, it's most likely your power supply. What psu do you have? If it's the one that came with the case, you're gonna need a bigger, badder one.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Besides your PSU bonking, I'd check to be certain that your heatsink is making proper contact and monitor the temps. Also, are you using the latest bios for your board?