Antec TrueControll II 550 Review


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
lol. thats a funny review. well, i only read the first page.

i like how they say the 5v rail is the "home ground" for modern video cards yet a pci-e connector only has 12v leads :laugh:



Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: rise4310
i like how they say the 5v rail is the "home ground" for modern video cards yet a pci-e connector only has 12v leads :laugh:



Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: elpres05
I would like to share this review...

Main Page: Link

Efficiency 12V rail: Link

Efficiency 5V rail: Link

and much more....

Please :confused: Your transparent promoting of this website is near laughable. The"hottest
casing from scratch" got a pants down, bare bottom spanking, before all hands, when posted
here several months ago. Now this lame review :)

In no real order, PSU reviews= Work hard and make the PUSInquisitor cut. ;)


EDIT for spelling.



Senior member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: GalvanizedYankee
Originally posted by: elpres05
I would like to share this review...

Main Page: Link

Efficiency 12V rail: Link

Efficiency 5V rail: Link

and much more....

Please :confused: Your transparent promoting of this website is near laughable. The"hottest
casing from scratch" got a pants down, bare bottom spanking, before all hands, when posted
here several months ago. Now this lame review :)

In no real order, PSU reviews= Work hard and make the PUSInquisitor cut. ;)


EDIT for spelling.

Where did the "Hottest Casing" come from? I remember when i posted that here, it was probably my first post and i was just too excited, was my first casing mayn! :D

btw, you didn't like this lame review, i'm sorry..... may be you can point some flaws and i'll consider them for next time.



Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
I might have been a little rough on you.

Go to He explains PSU testing very well. He offers how he does it.
Don't steal from him but do read for several hours.

Your site has really improved from the first time it was linked here. Good job for sure.
I'm much too self centered and/or ignorant to offer you real help ;)



Senior member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: GalvanizedYankee
I might have been a little rough on you.

Go to He explains PSU testing very well. He offers how he does it.
Don't steal from him but do read for several hours.

Your site has really improved from the first time it was linked here. Good job for sure.
I'm much too self centered and/or ignorant to offer you real help ;)


No its alright, but you know what really hurt me, the word "steal". I've never copied testing procedures and i haven't read many reviews. I'm an engineering student and i love science, so copy-paste is not in my dictionary. In fact, my tests are different, so you can't compare anyway, for ex.. 30%,60%,90% load efficiency on each rail(except 3.3V). Then, voltage stability, temperature etc.. and there are lots of graphs too.

I think you have not read the review at all, read it without thinking of other websites, you might enjoy it.



Golden Member
Jul 31, 2004
It looks like the Neo550 is better according to the review, did I miss something?


Senior member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: ND40oz
It looks like the Neo550 is better according to the review, did I miss something?

NeoHE is a special product, the efficiency is nearly constant through out + modular cables. However, the TC II 550 has manual voltage regulation, so 12.00V you want, 12.0X is what you get.

NeoHE 550 is also more expensive, i wouldn't buy it over the OCZ ModStream 520.

An all-in-one Antec review is coming soon... so more work to be done.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2004
Originally posted by: elpres05

NeoHE 550 is also more expensive, i wouldn't buy it over the OCZ ModStream 520.

I paid 93 for my Neo550, it was cheaper then the TP2 550 EPS and offered the same connectors. I haven't priced out a true control, but if it's $100 as you say in your review, it's also cheaper then that, as well as the ModStream.


Senior member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: ND40oz
Originally posted by: elpres05

NeoHE 550 is also more expensive, i wouldn't buy it over the OCZ ModStream 520.

I paid 93 for my Neo550, it was cheaper then the TP2 550 EPS and offered the same connectors. I haven't priced out a true control, but if it's $100 as you say in your review, it's also cheaper then that, as well as the ModStream.

Lets suppose the OCZ, TC, and NeoHE cost the same, which would you buy?

As a direct comparison, you have the ModStream vs NeoHE. The ModStream is the prefered choice in a windowed case, the NeoHE isn't as sexu but is more voltage-stable.

If beauty is not a concern, TC II 550 would be the best buy, after all, what you need is excellent stability, accurate voltages and may be a fan controller.

Overall, its simple, if you need to showoff, you buy the ModStream (It's also very efficient), but if you need the most refined power, you buy the Antec TC II.

Perhaps the best part of TC II is that you can set ideal values on any system with any load (within the 530W limit). Most power supplies tend to drop some voltage, specially on the 12V line, they may still be in the 10% allowed limit, a drop is a drop and the TC II has the upper hand.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2004
Originally posted by: elpres05

Lets suppose the OCZ, TC, and NeoHE cost the same, which would you buy?

I'd buy the Neo550 because that's what antec recommends for my P180, which is why I bought it. Good luck with the modstream and getting its cords to reach and antec doesn't even mention the true control for that case. Seasonic is the OEM for the Neo's and they're making a pretty damn good modular power supply for under 100 bucks. The non modular true control 2 doesn't even come with an 8 pin EPS connector which both of my latest boards have (G1975 and Diamond Plus), why would I even consider it?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ND40oz
Originally posted by: elpres05

Lets suppose the OCZ, TC, and NeoHE cost the same, which would you buy?

I'd buy the Neo550 because that's what antec recommends for my P180, which is why I bought it. Good luck with the modstream and getting its cords to reach and antec doesn't even mention the true control for that case. Seasonic is the OEM for the Neo's and they're making a pretty damn good modular power supply for under 100 bucks. The non modular true control 2 doesn't even come with an 8 pin EPS connector which both of my latest boards have (G1975 and Diamond Plus), why would I even consider it?


BTW crapsite


Senior member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: ND40oz
Originally posted by: elpres05

Lets suppose the OCZ, TC, and NeoHE cost the same, which would you buy?

I'd buy the Neo550 because that's what antec recommends for my P180, which is why I bought it. Good luck with the modstream and getting its cords to reach and antec doesn't even mention the true control for that case. Seasonic is the OEM for the Neo's and they're making a pretty damn good modular power supply for under 100 bucks. The non modular true control 2 doesn't even come with an 8 pin EPS connector which both of my latest boards have (G1975 and Diamond Plus), why would I even consider it?


BTW crapsite

Not crap, its new, so plz keep your absurd comments with you.