With good wiring, an unobstructed front to rear path, and cool room temps I don't see why not. You would however be better off (cooling wise) with a different case as the Sonata is well known for its "mediocre" cooling potential.
*EDIT Your scenario is a good canidate for an AC NV series cooler. It would help a lot.
The Tsunami is hands down a much better cooling case. I had one...gave it to a friend and swapped out his components for him...he loves it. I loved the cooling part about it...however, (yes there is a "however" lol) the case resonates badly. If you have a raptor, be prepared! If you do get the Tsunami, care about true silence, and have a little extra $ to blow, I suggest you get some silicone grommets (not the rubber ones TT sends with the Tsunami) for you HD/s and some silicone fan mount grommets. They did wonders for my fans in the Tsunami and helped the raptor some, but the HD cage in the Tsunami is el cheapo imo. Al is sooo thin in it.
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