Another video game related death


Feb 26, 2001
Only asian people are dying, what's up with that? 32 hours of gaming is seriously ridiculous.


Aug 10, 2001
Only 32 hours and he can't take it anymore? What a wuss! I've done that more than once without any problems.

Edit: Oh, and you don't get nosebleeds and stuff from gaming, he either used drugs, was beaten up by someone who wanted to play too, or was already seriously ill.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2001
Yea, we aren't getting the whole story obviously. Nose bleeds due to gaming itself? Was this some sort of futuristic holodeck we don't know about?


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2001
32 hours....|\|00|3

"Depending on the game, the brain is receiving [the impression] that it is constantly under attack," he said.

"We would not expect hardened soldiers to cope with a 32-hour fire fight, and yet some people think they can play these games constantly for long periods of time."

really? i always thought my brain was going scan over there, click click, move click. not AHHH A BULLET HIT ME, RUN, DUCK, JUMP ROLL FIRE, AHH!!!.

i know for a fact that i've played a game for 40 straight hours. of course i did get up to get mountain dew..idk
i think they are leaving the most important part of the article out...WHAT GAME?!


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
It's not the game that killed him, I don't think it was drugs either .. the guy's system was probably already down for whatever reason and staying up for 32 hours playing video games just made it worse. Who knows what the air quality is like in that place (nose bleed) etc etc etc

I don't know why people get so defensive about this stuff. Big deal, you like games, go play games. Someone died as a result they weren't as tough as you.

Less than 10 days ago, a 24 year-old South Korean man died at an internet cafe in Kwangju, 260km outside Seoul, after playing continuously for 86 hours.
Now 86 hours .. Wow! :Q


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2001
Originally posted by: smp
It's not the game that killed him, I don't think it was drugs either .. the guy's system was probably already down for whatever reason and staying up for 32 hours playing video games just made it worse. Who knows what the air quality is like in that place (nose bleed) etc etc etc

I don't know why people get so defensive about this stuff. Big deal, you like games, go play games. Someone died as a result they weren't as tough as you.

Less than 10 days ago, a 24 year-old South Korean man died at an internet cafe in Kwangju, 260km outside Seoul, after playing continuously for 86 hours.
Now 86 hours .. Wow! :Q

yeah 86 hours, wow. my hat goes off to another 31337



Golden Member
Oct 20, 1999
People have died because they choked; let's talk about how dangerous food is. I vote for immediate banning.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CantedValve
What else do Koreans (in Korea) have? Oh, they have nukes now... I forgot about that.
Uhh The North Koreans have nukes while those in the South have Video games:)


Golden Member
Jan 8, 2001
Heh, friend of mine just played 80 hours of Suikoden III (PS2 RPG) in 4 and a half days :) He started talking to a sandwich he made when he finished before passing out;)


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
lol, its like vr syndrome. when u die in the game, u die for real:)

dedicated ... i could never stay on a game for more then 3 hours b4 cramping up or getting munchies:p

i once stayed up 30 hours during a sleep over. watched anime a lot. at the end i was incoherent, i didn't notice i was drifting off while watching eva. hell i didn't remember what i had watched 5 minutes before so there wasn't much point:)


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
"Depending on the game, the brain is receiving [the impression] that it is constantly under attack," he said.

"We would not expect hardened soldiers to cope with a 32-hour fire fight, and yet some people think they can play these games constantly for long periods of time."
Comparing a video game to a firefight. Now that's a new one


Senior member
Nov 20, 2001
I didn't even know such a thing was possilbe.....and who the hell has the time/lack of life that they are able to play video games for over 80 damn hours?


Dec 17, 2001
Originally posted by: SaintGRW
32 hours....|\|00|3

"Depending on the game, the brain is receiving [the impression] that it is constantly under attack," he said.

"We would not expect hardened soldiers to cope with a 32-hour fire fight, and yet some people think they can play these games constantly for long periods of time."

really? i always thought my brain was going scan over there, click click, move click. not AHHH A BULLET HIT ME, RUN, DUCK, JUMP ROLL FIRE, AHH!!!.

i know for a fact that i've played a game for 40 straight hours. of course i did get up to get mountain dew..idk
i think they are leaving the most important part of the article out...WHAT GAME?!
Well, after playing a game and not sleeping for that many hours, who knows what kind of crazy hallucinations you might have? My roomate was awake for about 38 hrs once and started seeing things while he was just standing in an elevator.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2001
Originally posted by: maladroit
Originally posted by: SaintGRW
32 hours....|\|00|3

"Depending on the game, the brain is receiving [the impression] that it is constantly under attack," he said.

"We would not expect hardened soldiers to cope with a 32-hour fire fight, and yet some people think they can play these games constantly for long periods of time."

really? i always thought my brain was going scan over there, click click, move click. not AHHH A BULLET HIT ME, RUN, DUCK, JUMP ROLL FIRE, AHH!!!.

i know for a fact that i've played a game for 40 straight hours. of course i did get up to get mountain dew..idk
i think they are leaving the most important part of the article out...WHAT GAME?!
Well, after playing a game and not sleeping for that many hours, who knows what kind of crazy hallucinations you might have? My roomate was awake for about 38 hrs once and started seeing things while he was just standing in an elevator.

awake for 38? i was awake for 56 hours once. the 28 straight hours of q3 was included. much mountain dew during gaming, did eat pizza 2 times during game but killed while eating.. but yeah my record is 56 hours w/ no sleep i drove 2 hours home after 50 hours of being awake got home caught up on my IM's and stuff to do in my room then around 3pm tossed a dvd in and fell asleep. i'm pretty good about not hallucinating


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
These places should close for at least 5 hours a day just to prevent stuff like this from happening.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2001
Originally posted by: rh71
These places should close for at least 5 hours a day just to prevent stuff like this from happening.

i say from 4am til 5am they should close.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rh71
These places should close for at least 5 hours a day just to prevent stuff like this from happening.

erm, you mean you actually believe he died of video gaming? lol

I'll tell you who the n00b is, the medical examiner. Either that or he was bribed. I'm leaning towards the latter.

btw isn't foaming at the mouth a sign of cyanide poisoning? There's probably a bunch of other causes for foaming too. So who knows. But these guys didn't die of gaming thats for sure.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2000
I played 30+ hours straight of SOCOM with no food breaks in between. Nothing happened to me. These people are seriously weak. :)

Not that people should do long hours gaming though....


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: element®
Originally posted by: rh71
These places should close for at least 5 hours a day just to prevent stuff like this from happening.

erm, you mean you actually believe he died of video gaming? lol

I'll tell you who the n00b is, the medical examiner. Either that or he was bribed. I'm leaning towards the latter.

btw isn't foaming at the mouth a sign of cyanide poisoning? There's probably a bunch of other causes for foaming too. So who knows. But these guys didn't die of gaming thats for sure.

LOL. Places like this should close for an hour or so to prevent such things from POSSIBLY occuring in the first place. No assumptions about the XX hours of gameplay causing it would be made. Disagree? It's funny how no dead bodies have been found in places like these from victims who've only played a short time. The two instances of deaths INSIDE cyber cafes have been associated with long-gameplay. Whatever other theories others may have, how come it hasn't happened to people who've been there for only a short while?

To answer your question... NO, I don't believe he actually died of video gaming, but that doesn't make me right or wrong. The fact is, none of us know, but you are "sure" it wasn't the cause. Why? Because it doesn't SEEM possible? You sound like one of those who believe gaming causes NO ills. I'm not saying the term "I am God" was a result of playing CS, but people immediately rejecting the idea simply because it has to do with gaming (their favorite pasttime) is ridiculous. Why can it not be possible? Let's bring it back to this cyber-cafe thing... you are 101% sure it wasn't the cause. Why ? That's not rhetorical.


Sep 15, 2002
Given that He wasn't going to die if He wasn't playing games means that it killed Him.

ex) Someone is sick and was shot. Lets say we are completely positive they would recover if they were healthy. The attack was the reason for death!
Feb 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: CantedValve
What else do Koreans (in Korea) have? Oh, they have nukes now... I forgot about that.
Uhh The North Koreans have nukes while those in the South have Video games:)

But games train you to be violent killers! I'm sure SK is using games to train their soliders. Costs less and more effective. Guess it evens things out with NK.