Another officer charged after a year

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Dec 11, 2006
Ok, drunk off duty cop shoots at another cop from a different department who drives away and luckily doesn't get hit. The cop he shot at calls in his license plate and the cops find it it's one of their own. They then friggen call him and ask him politely to come and talk to them. After a year of still being a cop he is finally charged with, wait for it, aggravated discharge of a firearm. Not attempted murder of a police officer or anything like that, it took them an entire year to charge him with that BS charge.

A police officer in Chicago was charged today with a felony count of aggravated discharge of a firearm, nearly a year after the alleged incident, where the officer, John Gorman, off-duty and allegedly drunk, shot at a local off-duty officer in Merrionette Park, Illinois, and the driver of the pick-up truck the Marionette officer was in when he had noticed Gorman driving erratically and dangerously, and with an open container of beer in his car, and tried to pull him over.

The Merrionette Park cop called 911 and followed Gorman to Prospect and Pryor avenues on the Southwest Side of Chicago — about two blocks from the Morgan Park police station.

Gorman allegedly walked to the back of his Buick and aimed his gun at the pickup truck.

The driver of the pickup drove away as Gorman fired five shots, prosecutors say.

One of the bullets left a hole in the rear bumper of the pickup, but the Merrionette Park officer and the driver were not shot.

The Merrionette Park officer reported the shooting to officers at the Morgan Park station. Chicago Police officers ran the license plate of the Buick and realized it was registered to Gorman, who they contacted and arranged to meet.


Senior member
May 25, 2014
The judge will say it should have been attempted murder and dismiss the charges anyway.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
This actually does surprise me. The one time cops tend to get gung-ho about prosecuting other cops is when those cops have done something bad to fellow cops, such as embezzle from funds intended for fallen cops or get super drunk and shoot at fellow cops.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
Police are held to the highest standard, I can't believe the OP is questioning it!


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Police are held to the highest standard, I can't believe the OP is questioning it!
He's questioning why they waited a year to charge the guy and the leniency of the charge given his behavior that night. I suggest you click on the link and read the blog.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
Only ignorant people would believe anything a cop says.

The Internal Affairs complaint produced by the 2014 shooting incident was at least the 22nd misconduct complaint on Gorman's record, according to a database of the University of Chicago Law School, as reported by the Sun-Times. Most of the complaints had to do with alleged false arrests. None of them, including the shooting at the off-duty cop that earned him a felony charge this week, led to any disciplinary measures.

Chicago is full of suckers and idiots :

Last week, an off-duty Chicago police officer was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter after shooting a gun over his shoulder at a group of people while he was driving the wrong way down a one way street.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
Police are held to the highest standard, I can't believe the OP is questioning it!

This.....everyone says this isn't a problem, that cops don't lie and are great people that protect us.

Crap, I just broke my sarcasm meter typing that.


Dec 11, 2006
He's questioning why they waited a year to charge the guy and the leniency of the charge given his behavior that night. I suggest you click on the link and read the blog.

Pretty sure that he was being sarcastic. This clearly points out that they are not held to very high standards at all. This guy squeezed off 5 rounds at a cop, actually lived to tell the tale, got a phone call to come in instead of a swat team to thoroughly ventilate him and it took them a year to charge him with some bullshit discharge of a weapon charge.

Any average joe would have been thrown under the jail with at least a half a dozen charges including attempted murder of a police officer.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
This incident must have caused a rift in the space-cop continuum, because I have yet to see any of the resident cops come in here to defend either cop.

Maybe their minds are blown....guy shoots at cop, so we must pursue shooter at all costs and make sure we kill him even if he surrenders...but guy is cop so we must protect cop and he was in fear for his life and he thought he saw a furtive movement and *BOOOM* Cop mind blown, inter-dimensional rift formed.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
Pretty sure that he was being sarcastic. This clearly points out that they are not held to very high standards at all. This guy squeezed off 5 rounds at a cop, actually lived to tell the tale, got a phone call to come in instead of a swat team to thoroughly ventilate him and it took them a year to charge him with some bullshit discharge of a weapon charge.

Any average joe would have been thrown under the jail with at least a half a dozen charges including attempted murder of a police officer.

Cops talk big talk about how they should be and are held to a higher standard and then do everything in their power to ensure they aren't held to any standard at all. I don't believe that I've ever heard of a cop lobbying to be held to even the SAME standard as the rest of us, much less an actually higher standard. I can't recall ever hearing a cop complain that when they are under investigation, they get 2-3 days to talk to their lawyers and review evidence and get their story straight before ever making a statement to investigators. I have heard of cops lobbying FOR these types of bullshit rules though.

I keep hearing over and over that the vast majority of cops are good. How can they be good when they support getting away with evil?
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