Originally posted by: Josh123
Ok.....lately me and the GF have been watching religious type of movies. Not sure if that?s the best category but they are movies like Constantine, Exorcism of Emily Rose, and other movies that deal with demons and sh!t. Well last night we had sex and afterward she said that she thinks she wants to wait now. I guess she?s meaning wait till marriage or something. She said she has tried this in the past but was weak and gave in. She asked if I was mad and I told her that I wasn't and that I wasn't with her just for sex. Which of course I'm kind of scared about this just like any other guy would be.
So should I be worried or not??? I too am really religious but I also love sex.
Hey man, let me tell you this, if you're really religious and you're having sex when you're not married then you're living in rebellion. And you know what? It's really hard to have a serious relationship with God when you're doing that, and it's like living the life that the Pharisees did. A life of hypocracy.
Trust me on this, I lived that for two years. It sucked. I thought, "Man, I'm super religious. I go to church Wednesday and Sunday, and I have a bible study on Thursday and Christian group meetins on Tuesdays. I'm so close with God." And like, at the same time I was sleeping with my girlfriend of almost two years. And I was so empty. And quite frankly, my whole idea of what it meant to be a Christian was a joke. I didn't get it, and it really took a long time for me to understand the deception of the enemy and what was really going on. Thankfully the relationship ended and I'm now walking a different walk. Granted I still stumble here and there, but that's the difference between where I was before and where I am going. The righteous fall seven times and they get up seven times. While those who aren't chasing after the face of God will fall, and stay there. Like a dog returning to its vomit is a man that goes back to his sin.
I highly *highly* suggest that you respect what your girlfriend wants and that you guys stop having sex. Seriously, it'll help you out in multiple ways. There's a book out there called "And The Bride Wore White: Seven Secrets To Sexual Purity" which could help you guys out if you read it. Or even if you read it and then give the insight to your girlfriend. That way she'll know that you're serious about this and it'll make her feel more secure with you.
But yeah, it has some nice tips in it. Like, simple things such as keeping the door open to your room, or not hanging out at home alone with each other and stuff like that. Because if you don't put yourself in the position to sin, you are a lot less likely to do it.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I've just been there before and I know that it stinks, so I figured I'd let you know that there is a way out and that you don't really have to be scared, just be responsible and let your girlfriend know that you support her decision and that you think it is a good idea too. That way she won't want to break up w/ you, and everyone ends up happy. Except Mr. Winkey, in which case, you'll probably end up happier when you don't have a kid as a result of his happiness.