Another College Network Question


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2001
Ok, I have another PAIR of college network questions:

#1, my college censors websites...I'm pretty sure they do this through DNS though, or at least that's my guess. I tried using a off-campus DNS server, just to see if it would work, but didn't. Anyone have any idea on how to 'get around' this?

#2, Just like in THIS thread, we can't get a lot of p2p stuff to work (such as AIM file transfer). This is EXTREMELY annoying, as we have no way to get any files off campus unless you know someone with an FTP. Anyone know of a way to get around it?

I do know that my school uses a all-windows 2000 server network setup.


Golden Member
Nov 16, 1999
#1 They probably have some kind of filtering software set up on a firewall or on their internet connection. Do you go through a proxy server? That is probably the most basic way of filtering sites out. However, this could also be done at the hardware level. As for getting around it, there really isn't a option unless you know the network. There is probably a back door, but I would get to know someone at your college network who is a administrator who would be nice enough to let you know how things work.

#2 The lack of p2p stuff is common if you have a firewall and/or proxy installed. I would be almost certain that they have both installed. There are ways to get around it, but as I said, you have to know the administrators at your network. You can do some things on your end though. Go into the properties of ICQ and set up your connection as that you have a firewall. You can do the same with AIM. The main issue is the fact that in order for p2p clients like AIM, ICQ, MSN messenger to work when doing file transfers, you have to open ports in your router or set them up to work with your firewall. Some p2p clients don't like to work if both sides are behind a firewall for instance (MSN Messenger won't let me transfer files from work to a friend from work, but will let me transfer from work when he is home).

Your best bet is to learn your college network. Get a job at network support, work your way up. Befriend someone in that department. I did that when I was in college, and I got a job installing servers and routers and such. Talk about a awesome job! :)


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2001
I do know the system administrator, but he is kinda reluctant to tell me anything. I do know that we use a filtering software, but I thought it ran by remapping DNS, but I guess it's more likely that it just filters all incoming packets.

As far as the p2p issue: I don't think we use a proxy server, but I do know that we do use a firewall. I'm not quite sure what setting you're talking about in it the one for 'Alternate network address' or something like that? I tried that one, and it didn't fix anything. Is there a certain port # that I can tell the network admin. to open up so that we can use AIM File Transfers & Direct Connect?