Anime Talk


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Naruto Shippuuden 088: Damn that new technique is insanely cool looking and sounding
Bleach 198: I want to see the full fight with Kenpachi.. screw the rest
Code Geass R2 - I just got into Code Geass a week ago, this is the best anime I've seen in a while. It is somewhat reminiscent of Death Note but I stopped after around ep 15 or so, got way too confusing.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
I am watching GiS: Second Gig. Not too bad, and it fits my attention span perfectly: 25 minutes of pseudo-psychological mumbo-jumbo, some boobs, some geek stuff and cyberspace hackorzzz.
Oct 25, 2006
Naruto Shippuuden: Fail. Fillers and crappy source material. Sucks

Bleach: Still Fail. Fillers and decent source material. Still sucks

Code Geass R2: Potential in first half of S1 turned to complete fail the second half of S1 and all of R2. Completely retarded Deus Ex machina and "suspenseful" moments. Where in the rules of Chess allow me to put a king into check using another king? Sunrise admitted they made up stuff as they went along.

Currently Watching Gundam 00, Xam'd, Casshern, Waiting for subs on Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and a host of other stuff.



Senior member
Jan 11, 2007
Kannagi is pretty awesome though, turned out to be a lot better than I thought.

ToraDora didn't quite turn out as I had hoped. J.C. Staff fucked with the character designs and I simply couldn't get into the anime like I did for its novel and manga versions.

Tales of the Abyss and To Aru Majustsu no Index are shows worth checking out as well.
Oct 25, 2006
Originally posted by: MooMooCow
Kannagi is pretty awesome though, turned out to be a lot better than I thought.

ToraDora didn't quite turn out as I had hoped. J.C. Staff fucked with the character designs and I simply couldn't get into the anime like I did for its novel and manga versions.

Tales of the Abyss and To Aru Majustsu no Index are shows worth checking out as well.

Kannagi is pretty decent. Though, I wish they had gone with the intial story arc, instead of filler episodes. Shame the author of the novel basically got fired.

Toradora is pretty good too. I thought the character designs were really good.

Haven't watched the other two. I don't trust video game anime, and not interested in the other one.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 2007
Originally posted by: Woosta
Naruto Shippuuden 088: Damn that new technique is insanely cool looking and sounding
Bleach 198: I want to see the full fight with Kenpachi.. screw the rest
Code Geass R2 - I just got into Code Geass a week ago, this is the best anime I've seen in a while. It is somewhat reminiscent of Death Note but I stopped after around ep 15 or so, got way too confusing.

Naruto: Pretty cool indeed, i really liked how they translated it from comic frames to the anime. I had forgotten that it was only half complete at that point... too bad its another semi-filler arc after this.

Bleach: Yes... waiting fervently for the kenpachi fight. i thought the last round of fillers were never gonna end.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Naruto - Stopped watching the anime a long time ago, but keep up with the manga. Manga has failed to be interesting for well over 100 issues at this point, so don't have much hope for the anime. It's very much a dragoball z style cockamanie nonsense at this point.

I have a feeling I won't be following any more animes. Last one I liked was Dead Note, and only the first season. FLCL wasn't bad, but it was short.
I'd be open to decent animes that can keep story going and wrap it up quickly though. But that's something no anime really seems to achieve.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
I still enjoy the Naruto Manga but its becoming more and more DBZish. I only watch the Anime when they're not doing filler. Refuse to watch the filler. Same with Bleach. Read the Manga, avoid filler eps like the plague, although Bleach doesn't suffer near as much from said affliction.

Death Note could have been SO much better, I loved it but it went to complete SHIT after they SPOILER ALERT killed off the first detective kid. They should have either ended it there or taken it in a completely different direction with the main character continuing his judgment and just going batshit insane or something. Every single EP after that death was "I knew you knew, that I knew you knew about me knowing that you knew sooooooo... I was superduper extra sneaky smart and did THIS! HA!" "Ya but I knew you'd do that." "NOOOO!"

FLCL was amazing, but too short and left me begging for more.

Haven't seen anything in a while they was as good as classics like Bebop, Trigun or even Outlaw Star which was basically Trigun + Bebop :p And god knows when a half decent Gundam series was running. They fucking choked the shit out of that golden goose.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
Originally posted by: joesmoke
Originally posted by: Woosta
Naruto Shippuuden 088: Damn that new technique is insanely cool looking and sounding
Bleach 198: I want to see the full fight with Kenpachi.. screw the rest
Code Geass R2 - I just got into Code Geass a week ago, this is the best anime I've seen in a while. It is somewhat reminiscent of Death Note but I stopped after around ep 15 or so, got way too confusing.

Naruto: Pretty cool indeed, i really liked how they translated it from comic frames to the anime. I had forgotten that it was only half complete at that point... too bad its another semi-filler arc after this.

Bleach: Yes... waiting fervently for the kenpachi fight. i thought the last round of fillers were never gonna end.

i really enjoyed the byakuya fight. i guess 199 you'll get half your wish.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Originally posted by: tenshodo13
Originally posted by: MooMooCow
Kannagi is pretty awesome though, turned out to be a lot better than I thought.

ToraDora didn't quite turn out as I had hoped. J.C. Staff fucked with the character designs and I simply couldn't get into the anime like I did for its novel and manga versions.

Tales of the Abyss and To Aru Majustsu no Index are shows worth checking out as well.

Kannagi is pretty decent. Though, I wish they had gone with the intial story arc, instead of filler episodes. Shame the author of the novel basically got fired.

Toradora is pretty good too. I thought the character designs were really good.

Haven't watched the other two. I don't trust video game anime, and not interested in the other one.

yeah well I just keep noticing how pointy taiga's chin is every time :(
but overall I think it is quite enjoyable as is.

I am starting to understand why Nagisa is THE heroine of clannad, even might have developed a weak case of sick girl moe :heart:

Personally I don't find the battle parts of index to my interest. Last week's episode was the best one for me in a while with misaka sisters (finally) and all.