Wow. All the Episode One bashers must still be in bed.
Here, I'll save them some time:
"Episode One is suX0rs"
"Jar Jar is a _________ and a _______. Not to mention he ________ !!!!!!!"
"Lucas has lost his ________________"
"Episode One was NOTHING compared to __________"
"Though I wouldn't mind __________ Queen Amidala"
"And talk about PLOT INCONSISTENCIES ! Remember in <Insert previous SW movie here>when <insert character here> said that (s)he had <insert event from Clone Wars era here>?? Lucas totally dismissed that history in EP1!!!!"
"Anakin the Mannequin. That kid couldn't act his way out of a _______"
"The only redeeming thing for EP2 would be if Jabba the Hutt got ahold of JarJar and _____s him up the _____ with a ________ til he ___________s"
"All these digitized effects don't look nearly as cool as the FX used in the first films"
"EP1 is a kiddie movie. Lucas was just trying to sell toys"
There are probably more that I missed, but it's a start.