anakin Skywalker chidrens Costume with Helmet 14.98 Free shipping list 41


Senior member
Apr 4, 2001
Wow. All the Episode One bashers must still be in bed.

Here, I'll save them some time:

"Episode One is suX0rs"

"Jar Jar is a _________ and a _______. Not to mention he ________ !!!!!!!"

"Lucas has lost his ________________"

"Episode One was NOTHING compared to __________"

"Though I wouldn't mind __________ Queen Amidala"

"And talk about PLOT INCONSISTENCIES ! Remember in <Insert previous SW movie here>when <insert character here> said that (s)he had <insert event from Clone Wars era here>?? Lucas totally dismissed that history in EP1!!!!"

"Anakin the Mannequin. That kid couldn't act his way out of a _______"

"The only redeeming thing for EP2 would be if Jabba the Hutt got ahold of JarJar and _____s him up the _____ with a ________ til he ___________s"

"All these digitized effects don't look nearly as cool as the FX used in the first films"

"EP1 is a kiddie movie. Lucas was just trying to sell toys"

There are probably more that I missed, but it's a start.


Aug 13, 2001
Wow, that was a pretty complete list....

mmmmmm... Queen Amidala.

Anyways, if I was just a little bit shorter maybe I could squeze into this deal, then I'd be all set for halloween and fasionable. Nope.
Course, they do have a medium sized Queen Amidala ($20), maybe I can pick that one up for my GF (LOL, that's a joke).


Senior member
Apr 4, 2001

<< mmmmmm... Queen Amidala. >>

Oh yeah... she WAS a queen, wasn't she? Edited. I knew something looked wrong there...