Amost there, but a few error messages...........

leading edge

Junior Member
Aug 23, 2005
I just finished building a computer and it actually started the first time! BUT.....I have a few error messages.

Here's the machine:
AMD ATHLON 64 3200+ 939Pin
2 GB RAM (Two DDRAM 1GB 128X64 PC3200 CORSAIR sticks)
300GB WD Hard Drive
BENQ 16X DVD+/-RW w/ lightscribe
ATI All-In-Wonder RADEON 9600XT
Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS Gamer
Pinnacle Studio AV/DV Deluxe
MGE Mid Tower ATX Case (Newegg Item #: N82E16811171035)

I may not have everything connected right with the case because it beeps a few seconds after I turn it on (single beeps about a second or 2 apart) and I get a flashing 'Err" message in the digital display instead of a temp reading.

The computer boots up and it goes to the BIOS screen. Both the hard drive and DVD are recognized and I have them set up as Primary Master and Secondary Master respextively (no slaves). I was able to install Win XP with no problems, but now when the computer boots, I have a few error messages before the BIOS screen appears. If I leave it alone, Windows starts after about a minute of nothing. One of the error messages is "No drive attached to the FastTrack controller. The BIOS is not installed."

As far as the case goes, there were 2 wire sets labeled "HDD LED." One was Black/yellow, the other was Red/White or Blue/White (I'd have to look again to be sure.) There was only one set of LED pins on the MB, so I left the Black/yellow disconnected.
I was surprised how little info came with the case considering all the whiz-bang stuff the front display has. There were NO wiring instructions included!

My next project is trying to replace the cord on my 19" KDS XF-9Bi monitor. Any place I can look to see which colored wires go to which pins? I bought a replacement cord at Radio Shack, but when I cut the ends off the 2 cords......the wire colors were different! Aaargh!

Any advice? Thanks!

leading edge

Junior Member
Aug 23, 2005
Any idea where to find the schematic for the data cord for my monitor? I've called KDS Customer Service a few times, but when I get transferred to the Parts Dept I get voicemail.


Dec 7, 2004
Regarding your video lead problem, perhaps you could trace the pin out using a multimeter in continuity testing mode?
Mar 22, 2005
"No drive attached to the FastTrack controller"

I believe this has to do with your motherboard's built-in on board raid controller which is defaulting to being on. If u arent running a raid, go into your bios settings and disable it along with any other peripherals you dont use ie serial ports, onboard sound etc.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2005
ok, to get rid of the fasttrack thing, go into the bios advanced>onboard devices>onboard raid controller> set it to disabled. this will fix your problem. when i first got this board, i had so much trouble with that. what other error messages do you have?

leading edge

Junior Member
Aug 23, 2005
Thanks Bazcor! I don't know why I didn't think of that myself.

I'll post the other error messages this evening.

I'm almost positive I disabled the RAID in the BIOS but I'll double check. I'm going to look to see if there are any jumpers on the board which deal w/ RAID too. I'll post that this evening too.



Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2005
there are no jumpers. where do you have your hard drive plugged in? the top (black ones) or the bottom (red ones).

go into the bios, advanced>onboard devices configuration>onboard promise controller> set to [disabled].

if its in the red ones, you should disable Onboard SATA BOOTROM. and set the oboard promise controller to IDE mode.

if its in the top, black ones, set onboard promise controller to [disabled].


Golden Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hi, Try 'tommy's pinout". I got it from there about a yr. ago. I may be a little off on the URL. If you have an Ohm Meter you can ring it out yourself. Luck, Jim